Ritið : tímarit Hugvísindastofnunar - 01.01.2012, Page 159
“Form and style is hard to handle”
Multipersoned narrative and Lifandi vatnið − − − by Jakobína Sigurðardóttir
This article deals with Jakobína Sigurðardóttir’s (1918−1994) novel Lifandi vatnið
− − − (1974). In this novel, many different narrative styles and text types are com-
bined, and the narrative structure is very complex. The narrative mode is neither
first nor third person; the narrator uses several different pronouns when referring
to the protagonist, Pétur, and the narrative is therefore multipersoned. Moreover,
the figure of the narrator is ambiguous and the relationship between him and Pétur
is not completely clear.
Building on Monika Fludernik’s and Brian Richardson’s writings on multi-
personed narratives, this analysis focuses on Lifandi vatnið – – – ’s unusual narrative
and its significance for the novel’s characterisation. The narrative mode itself is an
important part of the representation of Pétur, his irresponsibility and escape from
reality, and his fragmented identity and mental illness. This complex narrative also
forces the reader to stop and rethink his stance in relation to the text, and urges him
to practice active reading.
Keywords: Jakobína Sigurðardóttir, Lifandi vatnið − − −, narratology, narrative mode,
multipersoned narrative