Fræðaþing landbúnaðarins - 04.02.2005, Side 99
analysis was carried out at the Research Centre Foulum. Needle biopsies of the liver
were collected three times (-3, 1, and 3 weeks after calving). Microscopic smears stained
with DiffQuik differential haemotological stain were used for the estimation of the degree
of fatty infiltration using the 1 - 5 scale (Steen 1992). The effects were analysed
using the mixed procedure (SAS Institute 1996).
Table 3. The effects of parity and treatment on concentration of NEFA, glucose and BOHB in blood.
Parameter Effect Est. Least Sq. Means P value
NEFA log n peq/1 Prepartum Parity 1 5,2978 0,1918
2 5,1548
>3 4,7512
NEFA log n peq/1 Postpartum Parity 1 5,0946 0,0885
2 5,5090
>3 5,5000
NEFA log n peq/1 Postpartum Treatment HH 5,4981 0,0346
HL 5,2881
LH 5,2314
LL 5,4540
Glucose mM/1 Prepartum Parity 1 3,7918 0,8841
2 3,8048
>3 3,7597
Glucose mM/1 Postpartum Parity 1 3,5949 0,2251
2 3,3043
>3 NE
Glucose mM/1 Postpartum Treatment HH 3,2947 0,3020
HL 3,4853
LH 3,4016
BHB mM/1 Prepartum Parity 1 0,8166 0,2926
2 0,9269
>3 1,0116
BHB mM/1 Postpartum Parity 1 1,4233 0,4169
2 1,7367
>3 1,7032
BHB mM/1 Postpartum Treatment HH 2,0108 0,0030
HL 1,5484
LH 1,4447
LL 1,4803
The blood parameters measured in relation to energy metabolism in this work were
NEFA, glucose and betahydroxybutyrate. Treatment had a significant effect on the