Fræðaþing landbúnaðarins - 04.02.2005, Síða 101
compared with older cows. Treatment had not a significant effect but the LH group
showed the most favourable results like for the blood metabolites.
Table 4. Hepatocyte fat infiltration score and concentration of NEFA, glucose and BHB in relation to
weeks fforn calving.
Week Hepatocyte fat score 1-5 NEFA Log n peq/1 Glucose mmol/1 BHB mmol/1
-3 0,4143 5,0154 3,6944 0,8798
-2 4,8949 3,7058 0,9307
-1 4,9297 3,7696 0,9469
0 5,4316 3,9721 0,9160
1 1,3930 6,1201 3,3763 1,4655
2 6,0076 3,1185 1,9583
3 1,0937 5,7172 3,2980 2,0189
4 5,4974 3,3068 1,9394
5 5,4521 3,3848 1,8739
6 5,3111 3,4548 1,4771
7 5,0784 3,4999 1,4368
8 4,9581 3,4910 1,5295
10 4,8580 3,4918 1,3427
12 4,6788 3,5490 1,1684
Prepartum P value < 0,0001 <0,0001 0,1855
Postpartum P value 0,0198 <0,0001 <0,0001 <0,0001
Week around calvjng
— 1 “ 2 — 3
Fig 2. Effect of treatment (— — O-HH,—O—HL,----------O — — LH,—<0—LL) and
parity (--O-------1,— — O---------2,-----□------->3) on fatty infiltration in liver cells.