Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2005, Síða 48
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The purpose of the study was to explore teacher students’ views about how well the
Iceland University of Education has promoted their teacher competence. The theor-
etical framework of the study consists of a conceptual model depicting aspects and
dimensions of teacher competence and concepts from social constructivism. The part-
icipants in the study were students from the campus program in the division for
primary and lower secondary education who began their studies in the fall of 2001.
Most of them completed the program in the spring of 2004. Seventy two students
answered a questionnaire, focusing on different aspects of teacher competence, and
their competence to master difficult teacher tasks, and seven students wrote narrati-
ves about their years of study. A majority of the participants answering the
questionnaire felt that more emphasis should be placed on practical knowledge
about teaching methodology and subject knowledge without decreasing the emphas-
is on pedagogical subjects. The struggle with the personal dimension of teacher
competence is prominent in the minds of the participants. The results of the study
indicate that students’ self-confidence in dealing with difficult teaching tasks is built
on professional knowledge as well as knowledge of practical methods. Students’ ex-
periences of practice teaching and their personal connection to their mentors and
instructors at the Iceland University of Education play a major role regarding their
interest in their studies, the teaching profession, and their attitude towards own
teacher competence.
Ragnhildur Bjarnadóttir er dósent
í uppeldissálarfræði við Kennaraháskóla Íslands
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