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Sport Hunting: Some Ethical Issues
Although clearly not one of the most pressing issues of contemporary environ-
mental ethics, sport hunting invites some intriguing questions on how to ethically
justify a recreational activity which aims to harm other living beings. Particularly
intriguing is the hunting of mammals, such as big game hunting. Angling and
bird shooting do not stir up similarly emotional responses, which should not
come as a surprise considering the profound connection many people feel to-
wards other mammals.
This paper argues that research in applied ethics need not be dependent on
general moral philosophical doctrines. Drawing on this perspective, the paper
also argues that one can analyse ethically suspect attitudes such as double stand-
ards without the aid of such doctrines. With reference to this analysis, the paper
attempts to systematically go through some of the most common attitudes to-
wards the hunting of mammals. This attempt is, perhaps, best characterised as an
Hugur 2014-5.indd 131 19/01/2015 15:09:36