Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 89

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 89
GEORGE WEBBE DASENT 89 criticism upon what I may have written, or on what I may hereafter write. There are two further testimonies to the genesis and reception of The Story of Burnt Njal; first, an extant letter (in Lbs. MS 1839a 4to) from Dasent to the Danish ambassador in London, Torben Bille, offers fulsome formal thanks for a newly arrived gift (a lavishly decorated drinking horn) from Copenhagen, a token of recognition for Dasent’s memorable translation of Njála. Dasent had been a member of London’s exclusive Athenæum Club since 1854 and this was one occasion when the club’s prestigious headed notepaper was put to good use. Feby 4 1862. Dear M. de Bille. Your excellency must not think me ungracious because I have let a day go by before answering your letter which reached me yesterday together with the splendid gift sent to me through you by my friends in Iceland and Denmark. Indeed I know not which to admire more, the costly horn or your ílattering letter: but this I know that I am utterly unworthy of both. It is true that I have worked for years at the language & literature of the North, but it has been for my own pleasure; the work itself has been my exceeding great reward, & has strengthened & comforted me in the midst of other labours, often of the most distasteful kind. How then can I deem myself at all entitled to such a gift & such a letter, especially when I feel that the little I have done might have been better done by better men? ... for the Horn, let me say that I think it a true work of art. In olden times it would have been called dyrgripi & gersimi, a thing of price, a treasure. Here in England nowadays, we could do nothing like it. I am fully aware of the hidden meaning which the excellent artist who designed it has conveyed to those who look rightly at this masterpiece. When the watchful warden blows his horn, & when the wakeful cock crows, when the sturdy seaman who supports the insignia of Denmark strains his eyes on the look out, & when the crowned Lion of the North rouses himself - Then we may trust that the old Northern heart will harden itself for deeds of high emprise, & the stout arm nerve itself to smite down foe after foe. Nor are lines from Havamal lost on me. Verily there is always a short cut to the heart of a good friend, & my Northern friends have found one to mine; now allow me to end this poor letter by some more lines from the same grand old song:
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur

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