Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1991, Page 148
find. During the next few years they worked with great zeal and at the same time
they defined their working procedures and improved their style. Later on they
sent the first results to the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries. The first book,
or booklet rather, containing Icelandic folktales collected by Jón Árnason and
Magnús Grímsson was published in 1852.
Landsbókasafnið 1989 [a report]. Landsbókasafn íslands. Árbók. Nýr flokkur 15
(1989). Rv. 1991, pp. 125-143.
Accessions. At the end of the year, the number of printed books in the National
Library was, according to the accessions catalogue, 406,066 volumes, the annual
increase being 6884 volumes. Accessions to the National Department were 5104,
including 363 volumes of books relating to Iceland but printed abroad. As in
previous years, a great number of books were given to the library or acquired
through exchanges (cf. a list on pp. 125-127).
Department of Manuscripts. There were 49 entries in the accessions catalogue
during the year. Most of those who gave manuscripts to the National Library
during the year are listed on pp. 127-132.
National Department. The volumes for 1985, 1986 and 1987 of fslenzk bókaskrá
(Icelandic National Bibliography) were published during the year. An attempt
was made to estimate the number of printed Icelandic books owned by the
National Library (up to 1988) with the following results: There were 27,225
volumes of newspapers and periodicals; 48,500 volumes of books, main copies;
24, 275 envelopes in 900 boxes, books, main copies; 30.000 volumes of reserve
copies, copies in special collections and extra copies. For many years, work has
been in progress on the filming of Icelandic newspapers and periodicals. On pp.
134-136 there is a list of the titles that are now available on films (or fiche) in the
National Library.
ISBN. A decision v/as made to set up a national centre for ISBN in the National
Library. A booklet containing instructions and guidelines for publishers was
translated and published.