Ritið : tímarit Hugvísindastofnunar - 01.05.2009, Qupperneq 21

Ritið : tímarit Hugvísindastofnunar - 01.05.2009, Qupperneq 21
ÞJOÐVELDIÐ OG SAMTIMINN um þessa túlkun, íslandssaga Jónasar Jónssonar frá Hriflu, sé ekld lengur notuð í skólakerfinu og hafi kannski ekki sést þar í 20 ár eða lengur. ABSTRACT The Icelandic Commonwealth and contemporary times: The quest for historical analogy and the role of historians In this paper the author points out the tendency of our times to look for historical parallels in order to throw some hght on contemporary events and present debates. Historians do not seem to be numerous among those who engage in such undertakings and the author proposes an explanation of this. He recommends the study of former times on their own premises, in their own right. This means to study contexts and processes of former times, and analyse how these times were different from the present, before attempting any comparison between historical epochs. This goes for pohtical ideas as well as institutions and the author points out that the comparison of moral issues can be fraught with difficulties. Particular attention is given to correspondences which especiahy some pohticians want to bring out between, on the one hand, the end of the Icelandic Commonwealth in 1262, with the establishment of the so-cahed Old Covenant (Giamh sáttmáli) and ensuing Norwegian rule, and, on the other hand, the contemporary crisis in Iceland marked by the ongoing debate about the so-cahed Icesave-contract and Iceland’s possible membership of EU. It is argued that the Old Covenant should not be seen as a mistake or blunder; rather it should be approached and explained on the basis of its own times. The traditional perception of Icelandic history, moulded during the fight for independence, seems still to prevail even though it is fraught with misconceptions and wrong assumptions about common pohtical interests in the Commonwealth, about Icelanders as a nation (a separate pohtical entity) and about the emphasis on pohtical independence. Keywords-. historical comparison, Icelandic Commonwealth, Old Covenant itage á ensku. Orðið hefur m.a. verið notað um verklega menningu og fombók- menntir en merltingin hefur þanist út og orðið er notað um ahs kyns menning- ararfleifð sem telst vera merkileg menningarverðmæti og hafa sérstakt gildi fyrir þjóðina. Sameiginlegar, sögulegar minningar hafa líka orðið slíkur menningararf- ur, sbr. Helgi Þorláksson, „Sagnfræði í heimi menningararfs og minninga", Þriðja íslmska söguþingið 18. til 21. maí 2006. Ráðstefnurit, ritstjórar Benedikt Eyþórsson ogHrafrikeh Lámsson, Reykjavík: Sagnffæðingafélag íslands, 2006, bls. 316-326. *9
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Ritið : tímarit Hugvísindastofnunar

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