Orð og tunga - 2021, Blaðsíða 119
108 Orð og tunga
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Veturliði G. Óskarsson. 2007. Af tveim tökuviðskeytum. Íslenskt mál 28:79–93.
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kalska hljóðkerfisfræði íslensku. Málfræðirannsóknir 9. Reykjavík: Mál
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Þorsteinn G. Indriðason. 2005. Historisk produktivitet. Nordica Bergensia 32:
Þorsteinn G. Indriðason. 2016a. 143. Icelandic. Í: Peter O. Müller, Ingeborg
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Þorsteinn G. Indriðason. 2016b. Á mörkum afleiðslu og samsetningar. Um
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Þorsteinn G. Indriðason. 2020. Derivational Networks in Icelandic. Í: Lívia
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viðskeyti, valhömlur, viðskeytaraðir
derivational suffixes, selectional restrictions, suffix combinations
The article discusses suffix combinations in Icelandic with nominal and adjectival
suffixes as first members of the combinations, how common these combinations are
and which selectional restrictions are central in Icelandic derivational morphology.
Combinations of twentysix nominal suffixes and twentytwo suffixes that can at
tach to nominal suffixes were studied, in addition to combinations of nine adjectival
suffixes and twelve other suffixes that can attach to adjectival suffixes: a total of 661
possible combinations when combinations of identical suffixes had been excluded.
Of these 661 possible combinations, 36 were confirmed, using the corpora Íslenskur
orðasjóður and Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls for documentation.
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