
Læknaneminn - 01.10.1995, Blaðsíða 140

Læknaneminn - 01.10.1995, Blaðsíða 140
ABSTRAKTAR treatments, as some cancers overexpress the bcl-2 gene through translocation. Also the research might provide insight into the role of NO in DNA damage and carcinogenesis. Furthermore, it may contribute to the steady flow of new information regarding the role and mechanism of BcI-2 in the apoptotic process. It could thus help to elucidate the esoteric balance between life and death in which cells perpetually exist. I»VAGLEKI OG ÞVAGFÆRASÝKINGAR HJÁ KONIJM Á ALDRINUM 70-89 ÁRA. Lilia Þ. Biörnsclóttir1. Pálmi V. Jónsson 1,2, Reynir T. Geirsson 1 LHl, 2Öldrunarlœkningadeild Borgarspítalans , 3Kvennadeilci Landspítalans. Lykilorð: urinaiy incontinence, urinary tract infection, estrogen replacement therapy. Inngangur: Stór hluti gamalla kvenna er með þvagleka og þvagfærasýkingar meðal annars vegna aldurstengdra breytinga í þvagfærum. Konum er mun hættara við þessu en körlum vegna stuttrar þvagrásar og skaða eftir barnsburð, en lækkun östrógena í blóði eftir tíðahvörf eru einnig talin hafa áhrif. Meðal elstu kvenna hafa þessi vandamál aðeins verið könnuð í takmörkuðum mæli. Efniviður og aöferðir: Viðtal var tekið við 120 konur varðandi þvagleka og óþægindi frá þvag- og kynfærum og upplýsingar um þvagfærasýkingar og östrógenlyf voru fengnar úr sjúkraskrám á clliheimilunum og heilsugæslu. Konurnar voru á aldrinum 70-89 ára, 70 bjuggu á elliheimilum og 50 í heimahúsum. Niðurstöður: Alls voru 47.5% kvennanna með þvagleka og 23% láku daglega eða oft á dag. Bráðaleki var algengastur (39%), því næst blandleki (32%) og loks áreynsluleki (26%). Bráða- og blandleki ollu marktækt meiri óþægindum en áreynsluleki. Af konunum höfðu 35% fengió þvagfærasýkingu síðastliðin tvö ár og 11% fengið > 5 sýkingar. Mestur fjöldi einstakra sýklalyfjakúra var 22 og þrjár konur voru samfleytt á sýklalyijum. Konur með þvagleka fengu marktækt oftar sýklalyf en þær sem ekki láku. Á östrógenmeðferð voru 27 konur, oftar þær sem dvöldu á stofnunum (p<0.001). Konur á östrógenmeðferð voru marktækt oftar með þvagleka, þvagfærasýkingar og önnur óþægindi en aðrar konur. Talsverö eða mikil óþægindi frá þvag- og kynfærum voru hjá 21% kvennanna en hjúkrunarfræðingar töldu þaö hlutfall vera 30%. Þriðjungur kvennanna, marktækt fleiri inni á elliheimilum, höfðu rætt um þvagfæraóþægindi við lækni eða hjúkrunarfræðing nýlega. Efnisskil: Þvaglekavandamál eru algeng meðal elstu kvenna á íslandi og þau eru undirmeöhöndluö. Östrógenlyf eru helst notuð hjá þeim sem eru meö mikil vandamál. Ástæöa er til að ætla aö læknar geti bætt meðferðina með forvörnum, virkri eftirgrenslan eftir einkennum og aukinni greiningarvinnu og þannig bætt lífsgæði elstu kvenna. EVALUATION OF A SOLID-PHASE IMMUNOASSAY FOR THE DETECTION OF IgAl PROTEASE-PRODUCING BACTERIA FROM BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES Margrét Agnarsdóttir'. Mogens Kilian2, Jesper Reinholdt2. 'LHÍ, 2Department ofMedical Microbiology and Immunology, Bartholin Building, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Árhus C, Denmark. Introduction: IgA is one of the five immunoglobulin isotypes found in humans and is the principal mediator of humoral immunity at mucosal membranes. There are two subclasses of IgA, IgAl and IgA2. A 13 amino acid insert in the hinge region of the IgAl molecule includes the susceptible sites for certain extracellular bacterial endopeptidases called IgAl proteases which cleave the IgAl molecule. The IgAl proteases are produced by a limited group of bacteria that successfully colonize or infect mucosal membranes of humans and have been proposed to be an important virulence factor of these bacteria. Previous studies of the prevalence of IgAl protease-producing bacteria in biological samples have been based on isolation and identification of a large number of bacterial isolates followed by detection of enzyme activity by immunoelectrophoresis. The initial aim of the research was to apply a solid-phase immunoassay developed by Brown and Leak (1988) to the examination of biological samples collected from the nose to determine to proportion of IgAl protease-producing bacteria. Materials and methods: Substrate IgAl purified from plasma of a myelomatosis patient was coupled to Fractogel beads which were suspended in agarose poured over an agar plate with growing bacterial colonies. A nitrocellulose disk coated with rabbit anti-Iight chain antibody was placed on top of this agarose layer. During subsequent incubation, Fab fragments released from the bound substrate, by the activity of IgAl proteases excreted by bacterial colonies, became bound the anti-light chain antibodies. These fragments were then visualized using biotinylated anti-light chain antibody, streptavidin conjugated to alkaline phosphatase, and a chromogenic enzyme substrate. As the Immunobeads employed by Brown and Leak are no longer available each step of the assay was carefully evaluated. The evaluation experiments included demonstration of the cleavage susceptibility of IgAl bound the the beads, optimization of reagents and incubation periods, and estimation of specificity and sensitivity of the assay using comparisons with the immunoelectrophoresis technique. After evaluation the assay was applied to the examination of nasal rinses. Serial dilutions of nine nasal rinses were spread on three different agar media: blood agar for determination of total counts, and selective media for streptococci and Haemophilus species, respectively. Froni each individual selected plates of each of the three agar types were tested with the assay. Results: The evaluation experiments revealed that the Fractogel beads can be employed in the assay. The specificity of the assay was high whereas the comparison of results obtained by the assay and the traditional immunoelectrophoresis method demonstrated problems with sensitivity. Some colonies recorded as negative by the plate assay were positive by the immunoelectrophoresis assay. The proportion of IgAl protease-producing bacterial colonies on the blood agar plates ranged from 19% to 100% of the total amount of bacterial colonies counted. Two individuals showed growth of Haemophilus species on the chocolate agar plates but none of them produced IgAl protease. Five individuals showed growth of streptococci on the selective medium. Two contained IgAl protease-producing streptococci, 58% in one case and all the colonies in the other case. Discussion: The solid-phase immunoassay was originally developed to aid detection of IgAl protease positive colonies in biological samples but has not been employed in large-scale 130 LÆKNANEMINN 2. tbl. 1995 48. árg.
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