Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 88

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 88
88 ANDREW WAWN who will see „Northmen“ not „Norsemen“43 throughout. I am now hard at work at the Orkney Saga and Guðbrandr will soon receive the Icelandic text of Vol II. Write soon and believe me ever yours, G.W.D. Good Friday [1861] (in Lbs. MS 1839a 4to). Dear Thomsen. I have today sent to M. de Bille44 four copies of Njal, 1 for you, one for Guðbrandr, one for Rafn & one for the Icelandic Library Society... I have written your names in each with a word or two. I hope Bille will not refuse to send the parcel, but thc eight vols. seem to me to weigh [...?] a hundred weight. The paper is so good that it weighs very heavily. So now you will see the old fellow with all his imperfections on his head & mind you judge charitably of him... What do you say about Iceland. Either in June or July I shall go I think. [undated 2]. As far as I can see every ship that went to or from Iceland made or left Norway as her first or last port. I do not feel that any other King either of Denmark or Sweden laid a tax on emigration but Harald Hárfager did. Nor do I hear that in any other Scandinavian land was the country in danger of becoming waste from the same cause.45 I must also say pace Rafn that Norrœn as opposed to Dönsk according to my notion does mean Norse, Norwegian, & not Northern, & finally I say all this to let you & him know that ‘Old Norse’ can be defended & that if I use ‘Northmen’ in future it is merely for the sake of peace & quietness, & to avoid the appearance of ambiguity now in a fact which was no matter of ambiguity then. When I say ‘peace & quietness’ I mean that I liave lived long enough to know that purely verbal controversies are the curse of science. Life is too short for thern, & therefore I expect that this explanation will be satisfactory to all whom it may concern & that my sincere wish & endeavour to spread the fame & deeds of the Scandinavian race may not be thwarted by any snappish verbal 43. Clearly a previous point of contention; see undated extract 2 above. Dasent’s earlier practice is reflected in titles such as his contribution to the series Oxford Essays, ‘The Norsemen in Iceland’ (1858), and his translation A Grammar of the lcelandic or Old Norse Tongue (1843). Dasent in fact does only use „Northmen" in his Njála translation text - see Preface, p.vii and passim. 44. Torben Bille (1819-83), Danish politician and diplomat; ambassador in London 1860-4. 45. This suggests Dasent’s familiarity with the opening chapter of íslendingabók.
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