Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.12.1983, Side 60

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.12.1983, Side 60
58 Meðferð með þunglyndislyfjum í litlum skömmt- um er oft nægjanleg, en einstaka sinnum þarf að grípa til raflækninga. Sjúklingar, sem auk þung- lyndisins hafa alvarlega líkamlega kvilla, hafa oft verri horfur, þrátt fyrir rétta meðferð (9). Ekki er ósennilegt, að hluti þeirra 128 sjúklinga með langvarandi þunglyndiseinkenni hafi ekki fengið fullnægjandi meðhöndlun, þar sem hér er um að ræða tæp 60% af öllum sjúklingum með geð- brigðasjúkdóma á aldrinum 75-81 árs. Aður en hægt er að fullyrða nokkuð um þetta, verður að fara fram ítarlegri rannsókn á geðbrigðasjúkdóm- um aldraðra og tengslum þeirra við líkamlega sjúkdóma. SUMMARY Frevalence »f mental disorders in the aged, course and frequency of hospital admittance. A cohort of all Icelanders born in the years 1895-1897 was studied (Table I). The information on mental health was obtained from general practitioners, hospital records, and other sources. The prevalence of senile brain syndromes (Primary Degenerative Dementia and Multi-Infarct Dementia) was 10% for the average age of 75 years, rising to 16,9% for the average age of 81 years (Table III). As is expected, senile brain syndromes run a chronic course, but the high proportion of permanent affective syndromes is rather surprising (Table IV). It is open to speculation whether this could, in some cases, be the result of insufficient treatment. Hospitalization increases with increasing age (Table V and VI), and more than half of the patients admitted because of mental disorders are admitted to a non- psychiatric ward (Table VII). At a later age, however, people with mental disorders are mainly admitted to nursing homes (Table VIII). HEIMILDIR 1. Helgason, T. Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in Iceland. Acta Psyciat. Scand. 1964. Suppl. 173. 2. Helgason, T. Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in Iceland: A geriatric follow-up (preliminary report). In: De La Fuente. R. & M.N. Wiesman: Psychiatry (Part 1). Excerpta Medica International Congress Series. 1973; 274; 350-7. 3. Magnússon, H. & Helgason, T. Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in the Aged in Iceland. In: Magnussen, G., Nielsen, J. and Buch, J.. Epidemi- ology and prevention of Mental Illness in Old Age, 29-33. Nordisk Samrád for Eldreaktivitet 1981. 4. Haraldsson, E.P. & Þengilsson, G. Könnun á högum aldraðra í Kópavogi. Læknablaðið 1979; 8. Fylgirit nr. 8; 32-4. 5. Kay, D.W.K., Bergman, K. et al. Mental Illness and Hospital Usage in the Elderly: A Random Sample Follow-up. Copmrh. Psychiatry 1979; 11; 26-35. 6. Gurland, B., Dean, L. et al. The Epidemiology of Depression and Dementia in the Elderly: The Use of Multiple Indicators of these Condition. In: Psyhopathology in the Aged (ed. Cole, J.O., Barett, J.E.) 37-60. Raven Press, New York 1980. 7. Post, F. The Functional Psychosis. In: Studies in Geriatric Psychitatry (ed. Isaacs, A.D., Post, F.): 83-5. John Wiley & Sons. New York 1978. 8. Gordon, W.F. Elderly Depressives; Treatment and Follow-up. Can. J. Psych. 1981; 26; 110-3. 9. Post, F. The Management and Nature of Depressive Illnesses in Late Life: A Follow through Study. Brit. J. Psychiat. 1972; 121; 393-404.
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Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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