Gripla - 20.12.2007, Síða 134
Í:130: Í handriti er viðbót: en manngrúinn / mjök nam at undrast.
Í:142: Í handriti stendur e.t.v.: of mjök.
Í:237: Í handriti stendur: ráðgast.
Í:327: Í handriti stendur: drottinn með.
Í:366: Í handriti stendur: alvaldr.
Det kongelige bibliotek, København:
NKS 3320 I 4to
Müller, Ludvig Christian (útg.). 1835. Collectanea Anglo-Saxonica. Havniæ.
Pope, John C. (útg.). 1967. Homilies of Ælfric. A Supplementary Collection, I. EETS
259. London.
Pope, John C. (útg.). 1968. Homilies of Ælfric. A Supplementary Collection, I. EETS
260. London.
Stephens, George (útg.). 1853. Tvende old-engelske digte med oversættelser. Ind-
bydelsesskrift til Kjöbenhavns Universitets fest, i anledning af Hans Majestæt
Kongens fødselsdag, den 6. october 1853. København.
White, Robert M. (útg.). 1852. The Ormulum. Now first edited from the original manu-
script in the Bodleian, with notes and glossary II. Oxford.
Þorvaldur Bjarnarson. 1878. Leifar fornra kristinna fræða íslenskra. Kaupmannahöfn.
‘Translations from Old English.’
Keywords: Translations, Old English homilies, Ælric of Eynsham, Gísli Brynjúlfsson.
In the year 1853 George Stephens (1813–1895) published two Old English homilies by
Ælfric abbot of Eynsham: Tvende old-engelske digte med oversættelser, ved G(eorge)
Stephens. Indbydelsesskrift til Kjöbenhavns Universitets fest, i anledning af Hans
Majestæt Kongens fødselsdag, den 6. october 1853. The book also includes an Ice-
landic poetical translation of the homilies by the poet Gísli Brynjúlfsson (1827–1888).
His translations are published in Gripla in two parts. The last volume of Gripla (XVII:
167–192) contained the homily: ‘De Abgaro Rege’, with an introduction by Gísli on
his task as a translator. Here, the second homily is published: ‘Dominica III in Quadra-
gesima’. The editor has added a short chapter on the edition as well as notes on the
text. Some of the notes are from Stephens (1853); the editor’s notes are marked SPÍ.
Further discussion is found in the treatise: Þýðingar Gísla Brynjúlfssonar úr fornensku
(‘Gísli Brynjúlfsson’s translations from Old English’), in this volume (Gripla XVIII:
89–110). See also Pope’s edition (Pope 1967:264-285). See also the summary on p. 109.
Sigurjón Páll Ísaksson
Stóragerði 4
IS-108 Reykjavík, Ísland