Ritið : tímarit Hugvísindastofnunar - 01.05.2022, Blaðsíða 164
stjórnvalda í umhverfismálum, eins og hún birtist í tilteknum heimildum, en ekki þá
hlið málsins hvort kynjaðri umhverfistefnu hafi verið fylgt eftir í framkvæmd. Það
er hins vegar ekki síður verðugt rannsóknarefni og verður vonandi verkefni nýrra
vísindarannsókna á næstunni.
Lykilorð: Vistfemínismi, umhverfisfemínismi, kvenlæg vistfræði, umhverfi, náttúra,
náttúruvernd, umhverfisvernd, jafnrétti, kvenfrelsi.
a B S T R a C T
Ecofeminism in the discourse on environmental issues in Iceland
This article discusses some threads in the history of ecofeminism in Iceland. It ex-
plores how this feminist and environmental ideology has been pursued in the debate
on equality issues and environmental protection. The roots of ecofeminism in Ice-
land can be traced back to the women’s movements in the 1980s. The article looks
at these beginnings of this ideological policy in Iceland, what ideas were high on the
agenda and whether the impact of ecofeminism can be found in the national gov-
ernment’s environmental policy in recent years. Regarding the latter, the study here
is limited to the published environmental policy and does not include results on
whether it has been followed up in implementation. However, that is no less worthy
of research and will hopefully be the subject of new scientific research.
Keywords: Ecological feminism, environmental feminism, feminist ecology, environ-
ment, nature, nature conservation, environmental protection, equality, feminism.
Unnur Birna Karlsdóttir
Doktor í sagnfræði frá Háskóla Íslands 2010
Fræðimaður og forstöðumaður Rannsóknaseturs Háskóla Íslands á austurlandi
Tjarnarbraut 39a
IS-700 Egilsstaðir, Ísland