Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1929, Blaðsíða 247

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1929, Blaðsíða 247
TÍUiNDA ÁRSÞING 213 son 'has spent four years in the Prince Al'bert penitentiary and has been a model prisoner and that he would probably be able to obtain a parole after he had spent at least ten years in the institution and thaí in the opinion of the authorities no lifer has obtained a parole in less than ten years from the date of entry into the peitentiary. W'hen going into this aspect of the situa- ation I enquired of the age of the prisoner and after looking up the records I was advised that he was born in the year 1870. and sinoe that tinie I have ascertained that lie was given as 59 years of age at the time that the application for commutation to life imprisonment was made. If a parole were obtained it would mean that Ingólfur Ingólfsson would be at least sixty five years of age when consideration would be :given the matter and you can readily as- certain that he would not l>e in a position, if freed, of maintaining ihimself, unless he has some dependents to look after ;him in his old age. I would point out that a parole does not mean an unconditional re- lease. If Ingólfur Ingólfsson were let ■out on parole and remained in Canada, hc would have to remain in Canada if he were ■on þarole. It means that it would be necessary for him to report to the cíhief of police in the town, city or district, where he was then living, once a month, and ií it should happen that he again carne into the toils of the police and was convicted even of drunkenness that his parole would he automatica'lly suspended and he would then have to report to the penitentiary to ■complete his sentence, there to remain until his death, and if the Icelandic National Patriotic League were responsible for the obtaining of such parole, this happening would naturally react against the societv .and would be very harmful indeed. In view of his crime record I would not see any possible advantage in ahowing Ingólf- nr on parole in Canada as I feel assured that in due time he would again come into the hands of the law, then all the efforts that had been expended on 'his behalf would be in vain, and that vanity would again rise and become blacker than ever. On the other hand, if it were so found fchat Ingólfur Ingólfsson was mentally un- sound, and he was so found by a high mental authority and the Department would naturally require him to be placed in a mental hospital at the expense of tihe Society as they would be responsiible for tihe finding, tihen he would not be rekased until a certificate from the surgeon in charge of such mental hospital would be obtained, certifying tihat he was sane, and at the same time thqy would require án undertaking of tihe Society tihát tihis pro- cedure would be taken, and if he were then declared to be sane, as above stafced, he would still be on parole ,and if he ever got into tihe ihands of the law again, back to tihe penitentiary, he would go to com- pkte his sentence. I must say here that I did not see Ing- ólfur Ingólfsson while at Prince Albert Penitentiary because I was not allowed to do so. It is impossible for a lawyer to interview a prisoner in tihe penitentiary witihout first obtaining leave from tihe superintendent of penitentiaries at Ottawa, Ontario, and it is also not open for a pris- oner to communicate witih a lawyer at his own request witihout first obtaining leave of tbe superintendent of penitentiaries at Ottawa, and as I felt no need to gaze upon his countenance I did not go to tihe trouible of obtaining tihat leave whidh might have taken days. It has been brought to my attention by one of tihe authorities at tihe penitentiary bhat if the Sociey had the welfare of Ing- ólfur Ingólfsson a heart and wished to do him well tihat they would not take tihe chance of having Ihim declared insane and sent to a mental hospital, whiah would react as against ihis physical welfare as he is better cared for in tihe penitentiarv, but that tihey would allow the matter to be dormant for tihe next five or six years and if at the expiration of that time Ingólfur Ingólfsson was still in tihe world that tihey make application to the Minister of Justice for his parole. At the time of such appli-
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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