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félag, Reykjavík.
Wawn, Andrew. 1994b. The Cult of ‘Stalwart Frith-thjof’ in Victorian Britain. Northern
Antiquity. The Post-Medieval Reception of Edda and Saga:211-254. Hisarlik Press,
Enfield Lock.
Wawn, Andrew. 2000. The Vikings and the Victorians. Inventing the Old North in Nine-
teenth-Century Britain. D. S. Brewer, Cambridge.
Wawn, Andrew. 2006. Anglo-Saxon Poetry in Iceland: The Case of Brúnaborgar
Bardaga Quida. Leeds Studies in English. New Series XXXVII:473-490. Uni-
versity of Leeds.
White, Caroline Louisa. 1974. Ælfric. A New Study of his Life and Writings (2. út-
gáfa). Hamden. (1. útgáfa 1898).
Wrenn, C. L. 1980. A Study of Old English Literature. George G. Harrap, London.
Þórhallur Eyþórsson. 2002. Hvaða mál talaði Egill Skalla-Grímsson á Englandi?
Málfríður 18 (1):21-26. (Tímarit samtaka tungumálakennara á Íslandi, http://
‘The translations of Gísli Brynjúlfsson.’
Keywords: Translations, Icelandic, Old English homilies, Ælfric of Eynsham, George
Stephens, Gísli Brynjúlfsson.
In the year 1853 George Stephens (1813–1895) published two Old English homilies by
Ælfric abbot of Eynsham: Tvende old-engelske digte med oversættelser, ved G(eorge)
Stephens. Indbydelsesskrift til Kjöbenhavns Universitets fest, i anledning af Hans
Majestæt Kongens fødselsdag, den 6. october 1853. The book also includes an Ice-
landic translation of the homilies by the poet Gísli Brynjúlfsson (1827–1888). Gísli’s
translations have been published in Gripla in two parts. Volume XVII contains the
homily: ‘De Abgaro Rege’, with an introduction which Gísli wrote about his task as a
translator. This volume contains the homily: ‘Dominica III in Quadragesima’.
This treatise: „Þýðingar Gísla Brynjúlfssonar úr fornensku“ („Gísli Brynjúlfsson’s
translations from Old English“) serves as an additional discussion on the subject. After
a short introduction, there is a chapter on the editor, George Stephens. A chapter on the
translator, Gísli Brynjúlfsson, follows and then another on his Old English studies and
collaboration with George Stephens. The last chapter deals with the author of the
homilies, Ælfric abbot of Eynsham, where some aspects of his life and authorship are
discussed, as well as his influence on Old-Icelandic literature.
Sigurjón Páll Ísaksson
Stóragerði 4
IS-108 Reykjavík, Ísland