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Are politics essentially immoral?
On Páll Skúlason’s account of moral troubles in Icelandic politics
Trust in politics plummeted in Iceland in the aftermath of the 2008 economic
crisis. Internationally, it has also weakened considerably in the past decade. Ac-
cording to the OECD, the most effective way for governments to regain trust is
to demonstrate in practice strong integrity and ethics at all levels. It is possible
to question, however, whether it is realistic to aim systematically to improve po-
litical morality, and whether that improvement would necessarily result in better
In 1986, Páll Skúlason argued that by viewing politics as a profession, exempt
from moral principles, the public forces participants into the role of the sinister,
Hugur 2018meðoverride.indd 126 24-Jul-18 12:21:28