Le Nord : revue internationale des Pays de Nord - 01.06.1938, Blaðsíða 363
The Finnish Delegation was hea-
ded by Mr. R. Holsti (Finnish Li-
beral Party), the Foreign Minister,
formerly Minister to Switzerland
and Permanent Delegate to the
League. Mr. Holsti has represented
his country at all sessions of the
Assembly since 1922. He was as-
sisted by H. E. Mr. Harri G. Hol-
ma, Minister to France, delegate to
the League since 1935, member and
Permanent Rapporteur of its Super-
visory Committee; Mr. Reinhold
Svento (Socialist), President of the
Foreign Affairs Committee of the
Chamber of Representatives in Fin-
land, a delegate since 1935; Mr.
Antti Kukkonen (Farmers’ Party),
former Minister of Culture, Vice-
president of the Foreign Affairs
Committee and a delegate since
1935; Mr. Harald Hellström, acting
Permanent Delegate to the League;
Mr. Tapio Voionma, head of the
Economic Section in the Ministry
for Foreign Affairs, formerly for
seven years in the service of the
I. L. O.; and Mr. Hugo Eduard
Pipping (The Swedish People’s
Party), Professor of political econo-
my at the Swedish College of
Higher Commercial Studies (Hel-
Mr. Svento and Mr. Hellström
met in the First Committee, Mr.
Voionma and Mr. Pipping in the
Second Committee, Mr. Svento and
Mr. Holsti in the Third Committee,
Mr. Holma and Mr. Voionma in
the Fourth Committee, Mr. Kuk-
konen in the Fifth Committee, Mr.
Holsti and Mr. Svento in the Sixth
Committee, and Mr. Pipping in the
Seventh Committee.
On the 26th of September Dr.
Rafael Erich, now Finnish Minister
to Rome, was elected a judge at the
Permanent Court of Justice at the
Hague. Dr. Erich was born in 1879,
dr. juris 1907, Professor of inter-
national law at the University of
Helsinki, active in the liberation of
Finland in 1918, delegate to the As-
sembly of the League of Nations
1921—32, Prime Minister 1920—
21, Finnish Minister to Bern and
Permanent Delegate to the League
of Nations 1926—27; Minister to
Sweden 1928, Minister to Italy
Dr. Erich has taken a very pro-
minent part in the legal and poli-
tical life of his country. He was a
member of the Riksdag 1919—24;
he was chairman of the committee
to organize the Foreign Office and
the Foreign Service of Finland, was
legal adviser to the Department of
Foreign Affairs; he is the author of
a number of valuable works on in-
ternational law; he is an honorary
member of the Institut fiir auslán-
disches Recht in Berlin, associé de
l’Institut de droit international etc.
The Norwegian Delegation was
headed by the Foreign Minister, Dr.
Koht (Labour), who also was the
first Norwegian delegate in 1935
and 1936. The other delegates were: