Uppeldi og menntun - 01.09.2004, Page 98
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The purpose of this study was to explore self-reported levels of education and train-
ing of teachers about bullying, the teachers attitudes towards the issue and how they
manage to deal with bullying situations. The rate of bullying incidents in Icelandic
schools has raised questions about how well prepared teachers feel they are in
preventing and dealing with bullying. Questionnaires were sent to 742 teachers in 20
elementary schools located around the country. The return rate was 70%. The results
show that the teachers think they are lacking in knowledge and training about
bullying. They believe bullying is a serious problem in schools and that they are the
primary party responsible for preventing and dealing with it. However, the teachers
manage only to detect part of the bullying incidents that take place in elementery
schools. Many of the participants reported being anxious and insecure when con-
fronted with bullying situations and felt ill prepared to handle these incidents
adequately. Also, the teachers report that they need more education about how to
handle bullying situations, keeping discipline in their class-room, interview
techniques, parent-teacher communication and about bullying prevention programs.
The results are discussed and questions about the state of teachers education in
regards to bullying addressed.
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lektor við Kennaraháskóla íslands
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