Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1929, Side 246

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1929, Side 246
212 TÍMARIT ÞJOÐRÆKNISFBLAGS ISLENDINGA Appeal of Saskatchewan took the matter into consideration and made recommen- dation to the Mfinister of Justice as to his apparent insanity whioh ‘has now been ac- ted upon. I am now advised that this Olson is now in the keeping of the Penitentiary at Prince Alibert, sentence having been com- mitted to life imprisonment and that it is the opinion of high merlical auhorities that he has the mentality of a child pf eiiglh to twelve years of age, and that he is harmless and that he will remain in the penitentiary until such a time as he shows any signs of becoming violent, which is believed to te remote, and I am advised that the situation of Ingólfur Ingólfsson is similar to that of Olson. Even though an examination were to be made of Ingólf- ur Ingólfsson I doubt very much whether he could be sent to a mental hospital, that is, if tlhe same conclusions were reached of him as with the case of Olson. In my investigation I ascertained that Ingólfur Ingól'fsson would not desire to be placed in a mental hospital unless hc thought that he would obtain a parole sooner than he would do if he remained at the penitentiary. If such were no; the case I am certain that Ingólfur Ing- ólfsson would rather be in the peniten- tiary than in a mental hospital. I also ascertained from the authorities that one of the main reasons why it would not be advisable to have Ingólfur Ingólfsson ex- amined by mental specialists was that íf such specialists would certify that Ingólfur Ingólfsson was not sound mentally and should be forthwith confined in a mental hospital, and the superintendent of tihat hospital carne to the condusion that Ing- ólfur Ingólfsson was uncurable, all hopes of a parole for him would be shattered and he would rernain there until his death. If suoh examination revealed the neces- sity of sending Ingólfur Ingólfsson to a mental hospital and such examination was made at the investigation of the Icelandic National Patriotic League, regulations re- quire the prisoner to be sent to a menta! hospital in the province from which he comes, in this case Al'berta, which is verv ill-equipped with mental hospitals and tlie maintainence of the prisoner, which is $1.00 per day, would have to be paid by the province of Alberta, or as is the rule when he has dependents, and as the So- ciety would be the investigator of such action the government would naturally infer that they would be prepared to meet the cost o.f sudh maintainence, but if they do not do so and dropped the matter then and there like a hot potato, such maintain- ance would fall on the government which would tend to place the Society in a verv compromising and uncomfortable posi- tion towards the government. I consider that it would be more advis- able to ascertain from tjhe Minister of Justice at Ottawa, Ontario, the grounds upon whioh the Gov.-General in Coun- cil giranted tihe commutation of sentence to life imprisonment whioh information I understand is not at hand because this might reveal that the commutation was granted on account of his mental incapa- city and if such were the case it is certain tihat a medical examination of the prisoner as 'held prior to the granting of t'he com- mutaion whioh would be very valuable to prove that the man was insane at the time that he committed the deed and which in my opinion would obviate the necessity at this stage of examing him as to his mentality. If the Society desires to have Ingólfur Ingólfsson examined as to his sanity in view of tlhe findings that I have arrived at I would empatically state that such pro- cedure would be taken not only for the wel- fare and we'll being of Ing. Ingólfsson but to satisfy beyond a question of doubt the vanity of the Icelandic people in America, which I would consider to be a very im- proper motive in tliis case, and I would not reconnnend that it be done. The reasons for suoh reconimendation will be discernible to you after I have gone into the question of the probabilities of his obtaining parole. I have asoertained that Ingólfur Ingólfs-
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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