Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1939, Side 195
in 1939, out of which number 43 were found to be not up to the
standards (9,9%).
17. Hospitals, large and small, haVe in 1939 reached the number of
49 in the whole country, with 1218 beds, or 10,2 beds per 1000 in-
habitants, 41 of this number are general hospitals, with 720 beds, or
6,4%0. In the tuberculosis sanatoria there are 281 beds, or about 2,3%c.
Of other special hospitals may be mentioned: 1 lunatic asylum, 1
leprosarium and 1 small epidemic hospital in Reykjavík. The sick-days
in hospitals amounted to 3,3 per head in the whole country while in
the general hospitals the figure was 1,8, and in the sanatoria 0,86.
Added to this there is always a large numher of tuberculosis patients
in the general hospitals (cf. also tables XVII—XVIII).
Patients in general hospitals this year may be classified as follows:
Epidemic diseases ....................... 4,6 %
Venereal diseases ....................... 1,2 —
Tubereulosis ............................ 8,6 —
Hydatid disease ......................... 0,3 —
Cancer and Malignant tumors.............. 2,8 —
Births, miscarriages etc................ 11,5 —
Violence .............................. 7,3 —
Other diseases ......................... 63,7 —
18. Vaccination is compulsory in Iceland. 4914 children were vac-
cinated for the first time, 74% with full reaction and 3195 revac-
cinated, 64% with full reaction (cf. table XIX).