Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 64
Loughran, J. og Norfield, J. (1998). a framework for the development of self-study
practice. í M. L. Hamilton (Ritstj.), Reconceptualizing teaching practice: Selfstudy in
teacher education (bls. 7–18). London/New York: Falmer Press.
Mason, J. (2002). Researching your own practice: The dsicipline of noticing. London:
Routledge Falmer.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989). Curriculum and evaluation stand
ards for school mathematics. Reston, virgina: NCTM.
Schön, D. a. (1983). The reflective practitioner. London: Temple Smith.
Schön, D. a. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner. Oxford: Jossey-Bass.
Wistedt, I. og Martinson, M. 1994. Kvaliteter i elevers tänkande över en oändlig
decimalutveckling. Stockholms Universitet: Pedagogiska Institutionen.
Whitehead, J. (1993). The growth of educational knowledge: Creating your own living
educational theories. Bournemouth: Hyde Publications.
Wood, T., Cobb, P. og Yackel, E. (1991). Change in teaching mathematics: a case study.
American Educational Research Journal, 28(3), 587–616.
In this article an experienced elementary teacher describes her research on her
mathematics teaching. It provides an account of the interaction between teacher and
students and its effect upon teacher development. The purpose of the research was to
study how enhanced meta-cognitive thinking can result in development that is valu-
able for the teacher’s work. The teacher’s attitudes to the profession and teaching
mathematics in particular are described, and the effect of the teacher’s own teaching
and learning experience on attitude development is analyzed. Evolutionary action res-
earch and self-study models were used to analyze the research process. at the beginn-
ing of the work the focus was on the children’s learning. Later the focus shifted to the
teacher’s own development as a teacher and finally to the research process. The main
results are that the teacher learned to reflect in action, use her understanding of the
children’s way of constructing knowledge and analyze the impact of teacher/learner
interaction on classroom learning.
Jónína Vala Kristinsdóttir er aðjúnkt
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