

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1980, Side 110

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1980, Side 110
— 1958. Observations on the gymnosoma- tous pteropod Clione limacina (Phipps). Journal of the marine biological As- sociation of the United Kingdom 37: 287—297. Óskarsson, Ingimar. 1962. Skeldýrafána ís- lands. II. Sæsniglar meö skel. Reykjavík. — 1964. Skeldýrafána íslands I. Samlokur í sjó. 2. útgáfa aukin. Reykjavík. — 1966. Nýjungar um íslensk skeldýr. Náttúrufræðingurinn 36: 86—92. — 1978. Fjögurra skeldýrategunda getið í fyrsta sinn frá ströndum Islands. Nátt- úrufræðingurinn 47: 180—183. Pruvol-Fol, A. 1954. Faune dc France. Mollusques Opisthobranches. Paris. Rasmussen, E. 1951. Faunistic and biological notes on marine invertebrates. II. The eggs and larvae of some Danish marine gastropods. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening 107: 207-233. Seeleman. 1968. Zur Oberwindung der biolo- gischen Grenze Meer-Land durch Mollusken. II. Untersuchungen am Limaponúa caþitata, Limapontia dcþressa und Assiminea grayana. Oecologia, 1: 356—368. Spoel, S. van der. 1972. Pteropoda Thecoso- mata. Conseil International pour l’Ex- ploration de la Mer. Zooplankton Sheet 140—142. Thompson, T. 1976. Biology of opisthobranch molluscs. Vol. I. London. Thorson, G. 1941. Marine Gastropoda Proso- branchia. The Zoology of Iccland IV, 61: 1-181. — 1946. Reproduction and larval develop- ment of Danish marine bottom inverte- brates with special reference to the Sound (Öresund). Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarsk Fiskeri og Havundersögelser. Serie Plankton Bind IV. Pp. 523. SUMMARY Gastropoda Opisthobranchia of Iceland I. Introduction and the Ascoglossa. by J. fí. Sigurdsson, Instilute of Biology, Universily of Iceland, Grensásvegur 12, Reykjavik. A general introduction is given to six orders of Gastropoda Opisthobranchia which have representatives in Icelandic waters. A more detailed account is given of the Order Ascoglossa of which three species belong to the Icelandic fauna, two of which Alderia modesta (Lovén) and Limapontia senestra (Quatrefages) have not been recorded from Iccland before. 1. Alderia modesta was found in Iceland for the first time as recently as 1976 at Mela- bakkar on the coast of Faxaflói in western Iceland by A. Ingolfsson. It has since been found in suitable locations ranging from Hornafjördur in Southeast Iceland to Ön- undarfjördur in Northwestcrn Iceland. No search has bcen made for this species on the north or east coasts. Ingolfsson has kindly supplied the information that A. modesta is found in pools ranging in salinity from 6.6% to 35% at Mclabakkar and salinity has been measured as low as 2.4% at the saltmarsh where it was found in Hornafjördur. Spawn has been found from J'uly to October, in- variably in pools on the saltmarshes. Spawn masses up to 2 cm in length containing approximately 5000 eggs have been found. Diameter of Icelandic eggs is 160—170 pm, yolk mass diametcr 90 pm. This is con- siderably larger than has been reported elsewhere (Thompson 1976). 2. Limapontia capitata (Muller) was collcc- tcd at Reykjavik in the 19th century by Japetus Steenstrup (Lemche 1938). There are no reliable records of this species since thcn. 3. Limaþontia senestra (Quatrefages) was found by the author on Cladoþhora rupestris on the lower shore at Álftanes near Reykja- vík in 1978. The location is fully saline and exposed to waves. Egg masses contain from 5 188
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