

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1980, Page 140

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1980, Page 140
Holyoak, D. 1971. Movements and Mortality of Corvidae. Bird Study 18: 97—106. Hörring, R. 1906. Dagbók, í handriti. Joensen, A. H. 1966. Fuglene pá Færoerne. Köbenhavn. Lennerstedt, I. 1958. Fágelstrácket vid Fals- terbo ár 1954. Vár Fágelvárld 17: 303—330. Lockie,J. D. 1955. The breeding and feeding of Jackdaws and Rooks with notes on Carrion Crows and other Corvidae. Ibis 97: 341—369. Mathiasson, S. 1957. Fágelstrácket vid Fals- terbo 1952. Vár Fágelvárld 16: 90— 104. Mayr, E. & J. C. Greenway, (ritstj.). 1962. Check-list of birds of the World. 15. Cambridge, Massachussets. Parslow,J. L. 1967. Changes in status among breeding birds in Britain and Ireland. Birtish Birds 60: 261 — 285. Pearson, H.J. & C. E. Pearson. 1895. On birds observed in Iceland in 1894, with a list of the species hitherto recorded there from. Ibis 7, 1: 237—249. Ree, V. 1977. Trekkfuglundersokelser pá Ut- sira 1972—77. Sterna 16: 113—202. Roos, G. 1974. Stráckrákningar vid Falsterbo hösten 1973. Vár Fágelvárld 33: 270— 285. — 1977. Stráckrákningar vid Falsterbo hösten 1974. Vár Fáglevárld 36: 213 — 228. Salomonsen, F. 1935. Aves. Zoology of the Faroes, 64. Copenhagen. — 1953. Fugletrækket og dets gáder. Köbenhavn. Sharrock,J. T. R. 1977. The atlas of breeding birds in Britain and Ireland. Berkham- sted. Slater, H. H. 1901. Manual of the Birds of Iceland. Edinburgh. Sæmundsson, Bjarni. 1905. Zoologiske Med- delelser VII — IX. Köbrtthavn. — 1911. Skýrsla um Hið íslenzka náttúru- fræðifélag félagsárin 1909 og 1910. Reykjavík. — 1936. Fuglarnir. Reykjavík. Timmermann, G. 1949. Die Vögel Islands. 3. Reykjavík. Vaurie, C. 1954. Systematic Notes on Pale- arctic Birds. No. 5 Corvidae. American Museum Novitates No. 1668. — 1959. The birds of the palearctic fauna. A systematic reference. Order Passeri- formes. London. Venables, L. S. & U. M. Venables. 1947. Jack- daws breeding in the Shetland Isles. British Birds40: 140—142. Voipio, P. 1968. On sex dimorphism in the [ackdaw (Corvus monedula). Ornis Fennica 45: 10—16. Voous, K. H. 1960. Atlas of European Birds. London. Waterhouse, M. J. 1949. Rook and Jackdaw migrations observed in Germany, 1942—1945. Ibis 91: 1 — 16. SUMMARY Thejackdaw Corvus monedula in Iceland by Ólafur Karl Nielsen, Museum of Natural Hislory, Reykjavík. The Jackdaw is a rather frequent spring and auturan vagrant in Iceland. Icelandic records up to 1 July 1979 are listed bclow. [P. Nielsen is said to have collected a Jackdaw at Eyrarbakki, SW.-Iceland (Pear- son & Pearson 1895) in 1896 (Gröndal 1901). In his diary P. Nielsen states that he never saw or collected any Jackdaw in Ice- land. This widely quoted record is therefore rejected.) 1) One Stóru-Laugar, NE.-Iceland, spring 1901. (Havsteen 1931).* This bird has erroneosly been said to have been caught at Stóra-Tunga, NE.-Ice- land (Sæmundsson 1905). And Tim- mermann (1949) made two records out of this single specimen. 2) <S Reykjavík, 26 October 1910 (Sæ- mundsson 1911).* 3) One at Skaftafell, öræfi, SE.-Iceland, 15 October 1952.* 4) One seen at Fagurhólsmýri, öræfi, SE.-Iceland, 15öctober 1952. 218
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