Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2006, Side 83
Þórólfur Þórlindsson, Þóroddur Bjarnason og Inga Dóra Sigfúsdóttir (í prentun).
Individual and community processes of social closure: a study of adolescent
academic achievement and alcohol use. í prentun í Acta Sociologica.
Viðauki A
Fylgnifylki fyrir breytur á einstaklingsstiginu
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Fjölskyldustöðugleiki ——
2. Háskólamenntun foreldra 0.01 ——-
3. Búsetuóstöðugleiki –0,14* –0,01 ——-
4. Höfuðborgarsvæðið –0,06* –0,18* 0,01 ——-
5. atvinnuleysi foreldra –0,08* –0,01 0,10* 0,00 ——-
6. Tengslanet foreldra 0,12* –0,04* –0,08* –0,14* –0,05* ——-
7. afbrotaatferli –0,12* 0,01 0,08* 0,02 0,11* –0,19* ——-
8. Fíkniefnaneysla –0,15* 0,01 0,10* 0,05* 0,05* –0,14* 0,43*
Skýring: Taflan sýnir Pearson-fylgni. úrtaksstærð er á bilinu 5100 til 6750.
p < 0,01 (Tvíhliðapróf)
Icelandic research in the area of adolescent delinquency has focused on the mapping
of individual-level risk factors of delinquency, while few efforts have been made to
study the effects that community structural characteristics may have on adolescent
delinquency. However, sociologists have argued that community structural charact-
eristics can have important effects on the welfare of children and adolescents. Using
survey data on adolescents, we created measures of school community structural
characteristics and examined their effects on adolescent delinquency. The results show
a positive community-level correlation between residential instability and parental
unemployment on the one hand, and adolescent delinquency, on the other hand. also,
the community level of delinquency is negatively correlated with family stability and
social networks among community parents. Moreover, multi-level analysis indicates
that community structural characteristics have effects on adolescent deviance even
after the same characteristics are controlled on the individual-level.