Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1960, Blaðsíða 67
v. a. (ar), putte, stikke ind’ (cf. also Hans Ross: Norsk Ordbog, Kristiania,
1895). In our text moga is a synonym to serSa, and in that meaning there is
still used in Faroese the word mogga, which must be the frequentative form
of moga, cf. leel. baga, Far. bagga (or baga, cf. M. A. Jacobsen and Chr.
Matras: Færøsk-Dansk Ordbog)-, Icel. jaga and jagg (cf. Sigfus Blondal:
Islandsk-Dansk Ordbog), Far. jagga and jagg; Icel. vaga, Far. and Icel. vagga.
52v, 1. 12: skotta. The word occurs in Olaf s saga Tryggvasonar in Heims-
kringla (ed. Finnur Jonsson, Copenhagen, 1893-1900, I, p. 44213; Olafs saga
Tryggvasonar en mesta has the same text) and in Hrdlfs saga kraka (ed.
Finnur Jonsson, Copenhagen, 1904, pp. 10-11). Fritzner translates it: ‘ved
Hjælp af Aarerne bevæge et Fartøi baglængs’ (cf. also Islenzk fornrit, XXVI,
p. 358). The translation given by Jon (3lafsson of Grunnavik is probably
nearer the mark: ‘at lata skip syn skotta vid, naves hic et illuc velociter
transferre’ (AM 433 VIII, fol.). Jon (5lafsson also has: ‘eg skotta, skottadi, at
skotta, . .. vagari. at skotta til og frm, divagari. at skotta undan, leviter præ-
currere. Sic in Carmina Ra/na rella: Wt i ka/pstad aa eg at skotta, /
og wtvega jsar til tveggia potta / vijnid Jiad sem hest er brønndt etc.' In the
collections of the Reykjavik dictionary the oldest example of this word is
from Stefan Olafsson’s Kvædi, I, 372 (written 1636): ‘Fåkurinn bleiki skott-
ar skjott / Jsvi skrikar ekid buna’. In Bishop Jon Arnason’s Icelandic-Latin
vocabulary (written about 1740; Lbs. 224, 4to, p. 926) there is: ‘Eg skotta.
Ito, vagor, curso’, and in Nucleus latinitatis (Copenhagen, 1738) the word is
more than once used in a similar meaning: ‘Curso .. skotta, rapa, skyst
hingad og joangad’ (p. 205); ‘servus å pedibus, lietta Dreingur, sem er
hafdur til ad skotta hingad og Jsangad’ (ih. p. 1154, s. v. Pes); ‘Persulto ..
eg hleip, skotta, striplast um kring’ (ib. p. 1458). In a vocabulary by Påll
Jakobsson (written c. 1780-90; Lbs. 1344, 4to, p. 394) there is: ‘eg skotta,
frequenter eo, cursito’, and one from about 1830 (Lbs. 220, 8vo) has the
word skotturoåur: ‘skotturodr, breviores profectiones marinas’ (the transla-
tion is added in the hånd of Hallgrimur Scheving). Later examples of the
word are in Sigfiis Blondal’s dictionary.
52«, 1. 13: bukhlaup (n.). (Danish bugløb, Swedish buklopp, Dutch buikloop,
German Bauchlauf). This word is not in Fritzner’s dictionary, but Sigfus
Blondal gives it without examples and translates it: ‘Bugløb, Diarré’. The
earliest example of this word in the collections of the Reykjavik dictionary
is from the oldest manuscript of Nomenclator Hadriani (from the end of the
seventeenth century; lB 77, fol., p. 273): ‘diarrhæa ... Profuvium alvi,
jnnantijkur utsott Bukhlaup’. There are many instances from the eighteenth
century, such as in Nikulds Klim (Jon (3lafsson’s translation of Holberg’s
work; Islenzk rit siåari alda, III, p. 162): ‘. .varS eg at leggjast af utsott
(bukhlaupe)’; and in Bjorn Halldorsson’s Gras-nytiar (Copenhagen, 1783),
p. 234; Lcerddmslistafélagsrit, IX, p. 204; XI, pp. 217, 221; XV, p. 11, where
the meaning is in each case the same.