Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 122

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 122
122 RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM ICELAND. Country data book. — Economic Co- operation Administration. [Fjölr.] Paris 1950. 4to. ICELAND. lst ed. From a map compiled by 19th Field Survey Coy. R. E. 1941. [Pr. erlendis]. 1941. Grbr. ICELAND. Published by W. O. 1940. 2nd ed. [Pr. erlendis]. 1943. Grbr. ICELAND AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICE. Notam 1—4,1950, Marcb 15th. Rvík [1950]. 4to. ICELANDIC CANADIAN, THE. Vol. 8. Wpg. 1949 —1950.8vo. ICELANDIC SOCIAL SECURITY ACT OF 1946, THE. — Ministry of Social Affairs. Rvík 1950. 8vo. [ISLAND]. Special Icelandic number. — Danish Foreign Office Journal, no. 193. Kbh. 1937. 4to. ISLANDE-FRANCE 1949. Rvík 1950. 4to. ISLANDIA. Pais dos contrastes. Rio de Janeiro. Ál. 8vo. ISLANDICA. Vol. XXXIV. History of Icelandic poets 1800—1940. Richard Beck. Ithaca, N. Y. 1950. 8vo. JÓHANNESSON, ALEXANDER. The gestural origin of language. Evidence from six „unrelat- ed“ languages. (Repr. from Nature, vol. 166, p. 60). 1950. 8vo. — The University of Iceland. (Ljóspr. í Lithoprent. The American-Scandinavian Review. Rv. 1951). 8vo. JÓHANNESSON, BRODDI. Eidetische Unter- suchungen in Island. Sonderabdruch aus „Zeit- schrift fiir Psychologie“, Bd. 146. Leipzig 1939. 8vo. — Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Ver- schmelzungsfrequens in verschiedenen Sinnes- gebieten und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Struktur der Persönlichkeit. Sonderabdruch aus „Zeit- schrift fiir Psychologie", Bd. 156. [Drg.] Leipzig 1944. 8vo. JOHNSEN, OSCAR ALBERT. Hvordan Snorre- monumentet ble til. Rvík 1950. 4to. [JÓNSSON, ARNGRÍMUR]. Arngrimi Jonae opera latine conscripta. Editit: Jakob Bene- diktsson. Vol. I—II.— Bibliotheca Arnamagnæ- ana, vol. IX—X. IJafniæ 1950, 1951. 4to. KOCK, ERNST A. (utg.) Den norsk-islandska skaldediktningen. Reviderad. 2. bandet. Lund 1949. 4to. KOFOED-IJANSEN, AGNER FRANCISCO. Der Lössboden in seiner Beziehung zur Waldvegeta- tion. Warzawa 1935. 8vo. — Von den Waldern und der Waldwirtschaft Is- lands. Warzawa 1935. 8vo. KOIVISTOINEN, EINO. Saaliin jaossa Islannin vesilla. Porvoo-Helsinki 1950. 8vo. KRESTANOV, IV. H. Stranite za koito se govori. Islandia — ledeno — ognenja ostrov. — Selski podem, god. II., kn. 9-10. Sadovo 1940. 8vo. KRISTJANSSON, W. Glimpses of Oxford. Wpg. 1935. 8vo. KROIIA, RUDOLF and JIRI CELEDA. The hot springs west of Torfajökull in Iceland. — Bulle- tin International XLe année. Prague 1949. 4to. KUHN, HANS. Birka auf Island. (Namn och bygd, árg. 37). Kbh. 1949. 8vo. — Das Eddastiick von Sigurds Jugend. Sonder- druck aus Miscellanea Academica Berolinensia. Berlin 1950. 4to. -— Philologisches zur Adoption bei den Germanen. Sonderdruck. Weimar 1947. 8vo. LABOUR LEGISLATION and social service in Iceland. Published by The Ministry of Social Affairs. Rvík 1949. 8vo. LARSEN, KAJ and PÉTUR MAGNÚSSON. The abnormal electrocardiogram. III. Clinical sig- nificance of right axis deviation. — Reprint: Acta Medica Scandinavica, vol. 122, fasc. 4. Sth. 1945. 8vo. LAXDÆLA SAGA. Translated from the Icelandic by Muriel A. C. Press. —- The Temple Classics. Repr. London 1935. 8vo. — Soga om Laksdölane. Eit utdrag omsett av Jakob Fjalestad. 2. utg. Oslo 1949. 8vo. LAXNESS, HALLDÓR KILJAN. Gente indepen- diente. Traducción de Feoreal Mazía. Titulo de la versión en inglés: „Independent People". Buenos Aires 1951. 8vo. — Islands klocka. Övers. av Peter Hallberg. Sth. 1948. 8vo. — Islannin kello. Romaani. Peter Hallbergin ruot- sinnoksesta suomentanut Kristina Kivivuori. Runot suomentanut Kirsi Kunnas. Porvoo 1949. 8vo. — Salka Valka. Romaani. Ruotsinkielisestá: káán-
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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