Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.11.2018, Blaðsíða 83
Æ t l a r þ e s s u m f r á s ö g n u m a l d r e i a ð l j ú k a ?
TMM 2018 · 4 83
1 Vigdís Grímsdóttir, 2002 (1996), Z: ástarsaga, Reykjavík, JPV, hér bls. 124.
2 Sjá Tracy R. Gleason, „Imaginary Relationships“, The Oxford Handbook of the Development
of Imagination, ritstj. Marjorie Taylor, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, bls. 251–271, hér
bls. 252.
3 Sjá sama heimild, bls. 253–254.
4 Sjá sama heimild, bls. 253 og 259.
5 Sjá Marjorie Taylor, 1999, Imaginary companions and the children who create them, New York
og Oxford, Oxford University Press on Demand, hér bls. 10–15. Gary Mitchell og Hugh O’Don-
nell, 2013, „The therapeutic use of doll therapy in dementia“, British Journal of Nursing 22, nr.
6: bls. 329–334; Jenny Ellingford, I. James, L. Mackenzie, og L. Marsland, 2007, „Using dolls to
alter behaviour in patients with dementia“, Nursing Times 103, n4. 5,: bls. 36–37; Gary Mitchell,
2014, „Use of doll therapy for people with dementia: an overview“, Nursing older people 26, nr.
6 Sjá Marjorie Taylor, Imaginary companions and the children who create them, bls. 3.
7 Sjá sama heimild, bls. 34–36.
8 Sjá sama heimild, bls. 62–84.
9 Sjá sama heimild, bls. 18–20 og Tracy R. Gleason, „Imaginary Relationships“, bls. 252.
10 Sbr. N. Norsworthy og M. Whitley, 1933, The psychology of childhood, New York, MacMillan.
Og J. Newson og E. Newson, 1976, Seven years old in an urban community, London, George
Allen & Unwin.
11 Sjá Tracy R. Gleason, „Imaginary Relationships“, bls. 256.
12 Sjá Marjorie Taylor og Anne M. Mannering, 2006, „Of Hobbes and Harvey: The imaginary
companions created by children and adults“, Play and development: Evolutionary, socio-
cultural, and functional perspectives, bls. 227–245, hér bls. 239.
13 Sjá Suzanne Keen, Empathy and the Novel, 2010, Oxford: Oxford University Press, bls. 126.
14 Sjá Marjorie Taylor og Anne M. Mannering, „Of Hobbes and Harvey: The imaginary compan-
ions created by children and adults“, bls. 239.
15 Pétur Blöndal, 2007, „Vigdís Grímsdóttir. Og ég varð ein af skrítna fólkinu“, Sköpunarsögur,
Reykjavík: Mál og menning, bls. 92–115, hér bls. 104.
16 Sama heimild bls. 104.
17 Hugtakið „mannlíki“ er fengið frá Bergljótu Soffíu Kristjánsdóttur, sjá Bergljót Soffía Krist-
jánsdóttir, „„Ómstríður taktur kvikra strengja“: um Hin hálu þrep Bjarna Bernharðs og sitt-
hvað sem þeim tengist“, Ritið 2/2016, bls. 107–134, hér bls. 125. Um tilf lutning má t.d. fræðast
í M. C. Green, T. C. Brock og Geoff F. Kaufman, „Understanding Media Enjoyment: The
Role of Transportation Into Narrative Worlds“, Communication Theory 4/2004, bls. 311–327;
Nurit Tal–Or og Jonathan Cohen, „Understanding audience involvement: Conceptualizing
and manipulating identification and transportation“, Poetics 4/2010, bls. 402–418 og Bergljót
Soffía Kristjánsdóttir, „Vítt um heima – merking, veruleiki og skáldskapur“, Ritið 3/2017, bls.
143–163, hér bls. 148–149.
18 Sjá Keith Oatley, „Að skrifaoglesa: Framtíð hugrænna skáldskaparfræða“, þýðendur Jóhann
Axel Andersen og Sigrún Margrét Guðmundsdóttir, Ritið 3/2012, bls. 163–181, hér bls. 169–171.
19 Sjá Marta M. Maslej, Keith Oatley og Raymond A. Mar, „Creating Fictional Characters: The
Role of Experience, Personality, and Social Processes“, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and
the Arts, vefútgáfa: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/aca0000094, 2017, bls. 1–14, hér bls. 1.
20 Sjá Jaye L. Derrick, Shira Gabriel og Brooke Tippin, „Parasocial relationships and self-disc-
repancies: Faux relationships have benefits for low self-esteem individuals“, Personal Relations-
hips 15/2008, bls. 261–280, hér bls. 262–263.
21 Sjá Marta M. Maslej, Keith Oatley og Raymond A. Mar, „Creating Fictional Characters: The
Role of Experience, Personality, and Social Processes“, bls. 1–2.
22 Sjá Keith Oatley, 2012, The Passionate Muse: Exploring Emotion in Stories. New York: Oxford
University Press, bls. 153.
23 Sjá Suzanne Keen, Empathy and the Novel, bls. 101.
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