Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2014, Síða 101

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2014, Síða 101
Gæði og gagnsemi náms í tómstunda- og félagsmálafræði hjá Mennta- og menningarmálaráðuneyt- inu og Sambandi íslenskra sveitarfélaga. Að lokum er vert að geta þess að íþrótta-, tómstunda- og þroskaþjálfadeild fór á árunum 2013 og 2014 í gegnum sjálfsmat. í því vinnuferli var m.a. leitað til nemenda og þeir beðnir að leggja mat á námið. Sjálfsmatsskýrslan er ekki opin- ber en niðurstöður matsins eru í samræmi við niðurstöður þessarar rannsóknar, það er að nemendur eru í heild mjög ánægðir með nám sitt, finnst það fjölbreytt, inni- haldsríkt, hagnýtt og mannbætandi. Þakkir Höfundar vilja þakka Ásdísi, Ágústu og samstarfsfólki þeirra á Félagsvís- indastofnun HÍ fyrir aðstoðina. Einnig þökkum við Jóni Torfa Jónassyni, fyrr- um sviðsforseta menntavísindasviðs, fyrir aðstoð og góðar ábendingar. Að lokum þökkum við öllum tómstunda- og félagsmálafræðingunum kærlega fyrir þátttökuna. Abstract Quality and usefulness of an education in Leisure Studies The paper is based on a study conducted in the summer of 2012 among graduates of the BA program in Leisure Studies at the University of Iceland. The program started in 2001 with the first students graduating in 2005, thus the participants graduated over the years 2005 to 2012. The aim of the study was to obtain the perspectives of the graduated students regarding the program and how it has benefited them in employment and in further education. The background and development of the program is also discussed. There are three main research questions: What are the gra- duates' attitudes towards the Leisure Stu- dies program? How has the program been useful in life and work? How does the program serve as preparation for further study? Participants were people who all had a Bachelor's degree in Leisure Studies; of a total of 96 individuals, 72 responded to the survey. The majority, or 85%, of the respondents were working full-time or part-time when the study was conducted. Five (7%) were actively seeking a job and 13% were studying full-time or part-time. Most of the participants, or 73%, were in jobs related to leisure time in one way or another, for example as a project managers, leisure consultants or directors. Data was gathered with a questionnaire in which the participants responded to questions and statements. The questionnaire is from the Institute of Social Sciences at the Univer- sity of Iceland. The list was translated and localized by the institute and is based on a questionnaire titled Destination of Leavers from Higher Education, which the Hig- 99
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