Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2014, Qupperneq 57

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2014, Qupperneq 57
Viðhorf grunnskólanemenda á Islandi og í Finnlandi til tækni og námsgreinarinnar hönnunar og smiði ents' attitudes were more positive towards technology and the subject Design and Craft than the Finnish students. These differences may partly be explained by differences in the national curriculums, but further examination is needed. Reviewing the national curriculums highlighted that despite the origins of Design and Craft in Finland and Iceland being similar, the Icelandic national curriculum placed grea- ter emphasis on design and innovation, whereas the Finnish national curriculum focused on the development of students' personalities and on gender issues. Keywords: attitudes, Design and Cralt, techology, school education, research, lceland and Finland Heimildaskrá Alamaki, A. (1999). How to educate students for a technological future: Technology educa- tion in early childhood and primary education. Doktorsritgerð: Háskólinn í Turku. Albarracin, D., Zanna, M., Johnson, B. og Kumkala, G. (2005). Attitudes: Introduc- tion and Scope. í D. Albarracin, B. Johnson og M. Zanna (ritstjórar), The handbook of attitudes (bls. 3-19). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Anderson, L. F. (1926). A history of manual and industrial school education. New York: Appleton. Anttila, P. (1983). Työja työhön kasvatettavuus. Tutkimus koulun työkasvatuksesta ja siihen vaikuttavista tekijöista. Doktorsritgerð: Há- skólinn í Helsinki. Autio, O. (1997). Oppilaiden teknisten valmiuk- sien kehittyminen peruskoulussa. Doktors- ritgerð: Háskólinn í Helsinki. Autio, O. og Hansen, R. (2002). Defining and measuring technical thinking: Students' technical abilities in Finnish comprehen- sive schools. Journal of Technology Educa- tion, 14(1), 5-19. Autio og Soobik, M. (2013). A comparative study of craft and technology education curriculums and students' attitudes tow- ards craft and technology in Finnish and Estonian schools. Techne Series: Research in Sloyd Education and Craft Science A, 20(2), 17-33. Bame, E., Dugger, W., de Vries, M. og McBee, J. (1993). Pupils' attitudes toward techno- logy PATT USA. Journal ofTechnology Stu- dies, 19(1), 40-48. Becker, K. H., og Maunsaiyat, S. (2002). Thai students' attitudes and concepts of technology. Journal of Technology Educa- tion, 23(2), 6-20. Bennett, C. A. (1926). History of manual and industrial education up to 1887. Peoria: The Manual Arts Press. Bennett, C.A. (1937). History of manual and industrial education 1870 to 1917. Peoria: The Manual Arts Press. Bennett, Rollnick, M., Green, G., og White, M. (2001). The development and use of an instrument to assess students' attitude to the study of chemistry. International Journ- al ofScience Education, 23(1), 833-845. Bloom, B. S., Bertram, B. M. og Krathwohl, D. R. (1964). Taxonomy of educational objectives. New York. David McKay Borg, K. (2006). What is sloyd? A question of legitimacy and identity. Tidskriftfór Ldrar- utbildning och Forskning, 23(2-3), 35-51. Boser, R., Palmer, J. og Daugherty M. (1998). Students attitudes toward technology in selected technology education programs. Journal ofTechnology Education, 20(1), 4-26. 55
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