Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2014, Qupperneq 124

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2014, Qupperneq 124
Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir, Brynja Elísabeth Halldórsdóttir og Ester Helga Líneyjardóttir contacts both with adults and other chil- dren, not the least to develop cross-cultur- al friendships. ii) increased attention to children's social activities and participation in after-school care supports integration and cultural adjustment consistent with multicultural learning com- munities. Overall, the researchers conclud- ed that a significant effort was being made toward addressing the varied social and cultural needs of the students. However, the children pointed out areas for improve- ment, as they noted how loud and disor- ganized the transition between school and the after-school area was and that certain activities that they would have enjoyed, such as dress-up, were not options as they had been the previous year. Many parents noted that they valued the multicultural learning environment the school offered although a few noted there had been small incidents between students, which could have been handled with more attention to the possible underlying ethnic tensions. Furthermore, the data revealed that par- ent involvement was low and cultural and language barriers seemed to hinder active parent-teacher cooperation. iii) a clear role definition is needed for the paraprofessionals, who work as support staff and leisure-time workers, and an effort needs to be made to increase their professional sup- port. The roles of paraprofessionals were in many ways unclear, i.e. whether they were support staff or leisure-time workers. They mostly foilowed instructions of either teachers or program coordinator. How- ever, they emphasized play and children's choice of activities in the after-school pro- gram, and enjoyed their work with the children. Integration of educational goals between school and after-school activities was at a low level, as teachers had no input in after-school activities. Furthermore, the paraprofessionals interviewed indicated that they would have liked to have more input in the development of the project. To facilitate professional leadership, it is im- portant to enhance knowledge and train- ing of paraprofessionals as well as to hire leisure-time pedagogues. In conclusion, the authors believe that the development project which was ex- plored here has increased the children's opportunities to develop their social con- nections, both in the school and after- school communities. Such connections, especially cross-cultural friendships, can minimize the chances of multilingual children remaining on the periphery of school and Icelandic society. Respect for multiculturalism needs to be more deeply integrated into the formal and informal curriculum, with such an integration stu- dents will learn to respect, understand and work together against cultural bias. The research found that Fellaskóli had taken positive and constructive steps to deconstruct the existant walls between the school curriculum and the informal leam- ing that occurs during after-school care. Through this research both the teachers and the paraprofessionals have taken steps to gain knowledge and experience which in turn will help them develop more con- structive collaboration between school and after-school care for children in the earliest grades. Keywords: multicultural education, leisure-time cen- tres, collaboration
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