Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.11.2014, Blaðsíða 88
J ó n K a r l H e l g a s o n
88 TMM 2014 · 4
Society for Northern Research, 1998), s. 22–23. Allar tilvitnanir í þessa heimild eru færðar til
4 Edda. Die Lieder des Codex Regius, 1. bindi: Text, útg. Gustav Neckel (Heidelberg: Carl Winters
Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1914), s. 109. Allar tilvitnanir í þessa heimild eru færðar til nútíma
5 Stan Lee, Jack Kirby og Larry Lieber, „Thor the Mighty and the Stone Men from Saturn!“,
Journey Into Mystery 83 (ágúst 1962), án blaðsíðutals.
6 Edda. Die Lieder des Codex Regius, s. 111.
7 Sjá m.a. Richard Kolkman, „The Evolution of Thor & The Stone Men“, The Collected Jack Kirby
Collector, 3. bindi (Raleigh: TwoMorrows Publishing, 2004), s. 86–88.
8 Jack Kirby og Joe Simon, „The Villain From Valhalla!“, Adventure Comics 75 (júní 1942), án
9 Cris Simon, „The Strange History of Jack Kirby’s Three Thors“, Comic Alliance, 6. maí, 2011,
vefslóð: http://comicsalliance.com/jackkirbysthor/?trackback=tsmclip.
10 Sjá Rich Morrisey, „Commandos in Valhalla“, The Collected Jack Kirby Collector, 3. bindi
(Raleigh: TwoMorrows Publishing, 2004), s. 86.
11 Jack Kirby og Joe Simon, „The Shadow of Valhalla!“, Boy Commandos 7 (sumar 1944), án
12 Jack Kirby, „The Magic Hammer“, Tales of the Unexpected 16 (ágúst 1957), án blaðsíðutals.
13 Sama heimild.
14 Sjá Jón Karl Helgason, „Þegi þú Þórr!: Gender, Class and Discourse in Þrymskviða“, Cold
Counsel: Women in Old Norse Literature, ritstj. Karen Swenson og Sarah May Anderson (New
York og London: Routledge, 2002), s. 159–166.
15 Sjá „Obituary: Pierce Rice 1916–2003“, The Comic Reporter, 30. júní 2003, vefslóð: http://www.
16 Wright Lincoln, „Thor God of Thunder“, Weird Comics 1 (1940), án blaðsíðutals.
17 Karl E. H. Seigfried, „Blond Thor: Stan Lee wasn‘t wrong“, The Norse Mythology Blog, 30. sept
ember, 2011, vefslóð: http://www.norsemyth.org/2011/09/blondthorstanleewasntwrong.
18 Wright Lincoln, „Thor God of Thunder“. Weird Comics 5 (1940), án blaðsíðutals.
19 Steve Ditko, „The Hammer of Thor“, Out of This World 11 (1959), án blaðsíðutals.
20 Sama heimild.
21 Snorri Sturluson, Edda. Prologue and Gylfaginning, s. 5.
22 Steve Ditko, „The Hammer of Thor“, Out of This World 11 (1959), án blaðsíðutals.
23 Richard Kolkman, „The Evolution of Thor & The Stone Men“, s. 88.
24 Stan Lee, Jack Kirby og Larry Lieber, „The Mighty Thor vs. The Executioner!“, Journey Into
Mystery 84 (september 1962), án blaðsíðutals.
25 Sjá m.a. Martin Arnold, Thor. Myth to Marvel (London og New York: Continuum, 2011), s. 158.
26 David Brin, „Thor Meets Captain America“, The River of Time (Chicago: Dark Harvest, 1986),
s. 263–304.
27 David Brin og Scott Hampton, Life Eaters (La Jolla, California: Wildstorm, 2003).