Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.11.2014, Qupperneq 113
L e o n a r d C o h e n o g l e i t i n a ð K a n a d a
TMM 2014 · 4 113
Verk Leonard Cohen:
The SpiceBox of Earth. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1961;Let Us Compare Mythologies.
McGill Poetry Series, Montreal, 1956;Flowers for Hitler. Jonathan Cape, London, 1964; Parasites
of Heaven. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1966; Selected Poems 1956–68. Jonathan Cape,
London, 1969; The Energy of Slaves. Jonathan Cape, London, 1972; Beautiful Losers. Granada
Publishing, St. Albans, 1972 (upprunalega 1966); Book of Mercy. McClelland and Stewart, Tor
onto, 1984; Death of a Lady‘s Man. Black Spring Press, London, 1995. (Upprunalega 1978); The
Favourite Game. Penguin, London, 2001 (upprunalega 1963).
Songs of Leonard Cohen. CBS. 1968; Songs From a Room. CBS, 1969; Songs of Love and Hate.
CBS, 1971; Live Songs. CBS, 1973; New Skin For the Old Ceremony. CBS, 1974; Death of a Ladies’
Man. CBS 1977; Recent Songs. CBS, 1979; Various Positions. CBS, 1984; I’m Your Man. CBS,
1988; The Future. CBS, 1992; Ten New Songs. CBS, 2001; Dear Heather. CBS, 2004; Old Ideas.
CBS, 2012; Popular Problems. CBS 2014.
Aðrar heimildir:
„A Singer Must Die.“ http://www.leonardcohenprologues.com/
„All I‘ve got to put in a song is my own experience.“ Viðtal við Dorian Lynskey. http://www.
„As a New Generation Discovers Leonard Cohen‘s Dark Humour, Kris Kirk Ruffles the Great
Man‘s Back Pages.“ Viðtal við Kris Kirk. http://www.webheights.net/speakingcohen/mus0788.
„Beautiful Creep.“ Viðtal við Richard Goldstein.
Village Voice, desember 28, 1967. http://www.webheights.net/speakingcohen/villv67.htm
„Leonard Cohen‘s Nervous Breakthrough.“ Viðtal við Mark Rowland. Musician, júlí, 1988.
Florby, Gunilla. The Margin Speaks: A Study of Margaret Laurence and Robert Kroetsch from a
PostColonial Point of View. Lund University Press, Lund, 1997.
Heidenreich, Rosmarin. The PostWar Novel in Canada: Narrative Patterns and Reader Respose.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, 1989. Linda Hutcheon ritar formála.
„How I Got My Song.“ Ræða flutt af Leonard Cohen 24/10/2011. http://1heckofaguy.
Hutcheon, Linda. Leonard Cohen and His Works.
ECW Press, Toronto, 1980.
Kroetsch, Robert. The Lovely Treachery of Words. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989.
Kroetsch, Robert. The Studhorse Man. Simon and Schuster, Markham, 1970.
Morton, Desmond. A Short History of Canada. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 2001.
Mosley, Walter. „That’s How the Light Gets Out.“ http://www.leonardcohenfiles.com/waltermosley.
Nadel, Ira B. Leonard Cohen: En Tolerert Biografi. Libretto Forlag, Oslo, 2008. Per Einar Fosser
þýddi á norsku.
Owram, Doug. „Intellectual History in the Land of Limited Identities.“ Journal of Canadian
Studies. Vol. 24, no. 3, 1989.
„Q Questionaire – Leonard Cohen.“
Q Magazine, september 1994. http://www.webheights.net/speakingcohen/q94.htm