Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.11.2014, Page 114
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114 TMM 2014 · 4
„Sincerely, L. Cohen.“ Viðtal við Brian Cullman.
Details For Men, janúar, 1993. http://www.webheights.net/speakingcohen/details.html
Siemerling, Winfried. Discoveries of the Other: Alterity in the Work of Leonard Cohen, Hubert
Aquin, Michael Ondaatje and Nicole Brossard.
University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1994.
Stephen Scobie. „The Counterfeiter Begs Forgiveness: Leonard Cohen and „Leonard Cohen.““
Van Herk, Aritha. „Stranded Bestride in Canada.“ World Literature Written in English. Vol. 24,
no.1, 1984.
1 Leonard Cohen. „Anthem.“ The Future.
2 Leonard Cohen. The Favourite Game, bls. 6.
3 Sama, bls. 22.
4 Leonard Cohen. Selected Poems, bls. 30.
5 Leonard Cohen. Selected Poems, bls. 26.
6 Ira Nadel. Leonard Cohen, bls. 24.
7 Leonard Cohen. The Favourite Game, bls. 64.
8 Leonard Cohen. Flowers for Hitler, bls. 27.
9 Leonard Cohen. The Favourite Game, bls. 241.
10 Sama, bls. 75.
11 Doug Owram. „Intellectual History in the Land of Limited Identities.“
12 Leonard Cohen. Flowers for Hitler, bls. 139.
13 Desmond Morton, A Short History of Canada, bls. 10.
14 Rosmarin Heidenreich. The PostWar Novel in Canada, bls. Xii.
15 Aritha Van Herk. „Stranded Bestride in Canada,“ bls. 13.
16 Sama, bls. 5.
17 Leonard Cohen. Beautiful Losers, bls. 184.