Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.1997, Page 157
Ainscow, Mel og Jim Muncey. 1988. Meeting Individual Needs in the Primary School.
London, David Fulton.
Hopkins, David, Mel Ainscow og Mel West. 1994. School Improvement in an Era of
Change. London, Cassell.
Hopkins, David, Mel West og Mel Ainscow. 1996. Improving the Quality ofEducation
for AU. Progress and Challenge. London, David Fulton.
Rúnar Sigþórsson, Rósa Eggertsdóttir, Jón Baldvin Hannesson, þróunarstjórnir
þátttökuskóla. 1997. Aukin Gæði Ndms - AGN. Lokaskýrsla.
Stoll, Louise. 1991. School effectiveness in action. Supporting growth in schools and
classrooms. Mel Ainscow (ritstj.). Effective Schools for All. London, David Fulton.
Hopkins, David, Mel West og Mel Ainscow. 1996. Improving the Quality of Education
for All. Progress and Challenge. London, David Fulton.
West, Mel. 1995. Aukin gæði í skólastarfi. Skipulagt umbótastarf. [Óútg. fyrirlestur, Jón
Baldvin Hannesson sneri.]
Jón Baldvin Hannesson er forstöðumaður
Skólapjónustu Eypings.