Skírnir - 01.04.1988, Blaðsíða 177
12. Halldór Laxness, Rauðir pennar (1935), „Þeir útvöldu og fólkið“, s.
13. K. K. Ruthven, Feminist Literary Studies: an introduction, (Cam-
bridge 1984), vitnar í Buchan, The Ballad and the. Folk, bls. 64.
14. Gísli Sigurðsson, Sígild kvœði I, Reykjavík 1986
15. Sigurður Nordal, Völuspá, Reykjavík 1923. Endurskoðuð 1952.
16. Maureen Thomas, The Wisewoman, BBC Radio 3 Drama 1986.
17. Elaine Showalter, „Towards a feminist poetics" hjá Mary Jacobus,
Women Writing andWriting About Women,London 1979, bls. 22—41.
18. Matthías Þórðarson. íslenzk fornrit IV. Eiríks saga rauða, Reykjavík,
19. Mary Eagleton, Feminist Literary Theory: a reader, 1986. Section 1,
„Finding a Female Tradition“, bls. 1-39.
20. Janice A. Radway, „Women Read the Romance: The Interaction of
Text and Context“, Feminist Studies 9, (Nr. 1, 1983), bls. 53-78; Ann
Barr Snitow, „Mass Market Romance: Pornography for Women is
Different", Radical History Review 1979, Nr. 10.
21. Rosemary Jackson, Fantasy: The Literature of Suhversion, London
1984; Carol Farley Kessler, Daring to Dream, London 1984.
22. Pil Dahlerup, „Omedvetna attityder hos en recensent" í Karin West-
man Berg, Könsdiskriminering förr och nu, Stockholm 1972. Ræðir
það hvernig vald karlraddarinnar í bókmenntum er ómeðvitað tekið
23. Jill Purce, The Mystic Spiral, London 1974 .
24. Helene Cixous og Catherine Clement, La Jeune Nee, París 1975.
(Ensk þýðing) The Newly Born Woman, Manchester 1986.
25. Sandra M. Gilbert og Susan Gubar, Shakespeare’sSisters: Feminist Ess-
ays on Women Poets, Indiana 1979.