Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1958, Blaðsíða 194
— 192 —
tuberculosis 6 (7), tuberculosis of
central nervous system 0 (0), tuber-
culosis of intestines 0 (0), tubercu-
losis of the urinary and generative
organs 0 (0). The death rate from
tuberculosis was the same as in the
previous year: 0.04 per 1000 of the
7. Leprosy. Patients known in the
whole country at the end of each year:
Number lí):>4 1955 195fi 1937 1958
of Patients 6 5 5 6 5
No new cases were discovered this
8. Hi/daticl Disease (cf. tables V
and VI).
Number 1954 1955 1950 1957 1938
of Patients 4 4 4 4 3
Deaths „114 2
These figures are based upon month-
Iy reports from pliysicians, but in
the annual report on the disease,
which comprises all medical districts
in this country, 11 cases are rcported,
most of them very old people, perhaps
only witli some or other remains of
the disease.
9. Scabies (cf. tables V, VI and
VII, 4).
Number 1934 1953 1938 7937 7938
of Patients 301 244 177 63 64
10. Cancer (cf. tables V and VI).
Number 1934 1933 1936 1937 1938
of Patients 86 92 88 74 79
Deaths 198 210 200 237 210
In addition to the monthly reports
from district medical officers, on
which the above survey is based,
medical officers in all districts have
made out lists showing the incidence
of malignant tumors during the year.
According to these lists there are 536
such patients. On p. 87 these mali-
gnant tumors are classified according
to location.
11. School health service. The new
School Health Act and Regulation
came into force in the years 1957 and
1958 respectively. According to the
legislation a periodical medical exa-
mination of all pupils is performed
every second year, but tuberculosis
control of pupils and school per-
sonnei is performcd every year.
Pupils needing medical treatment or
further observation are kept under
special supervision as long as the
school doctors find it necessary. Much
stress is laid on supervising the
pupils, whether known to be pre-
viously unwell or healthy, all through
the school year, teachers and parents
being urged to refer to the school
doctors every pupil who according to
their judgement needs to be examined.
Teachers have to make reports about
tlieir pupils’ health twice a year. The
district medical officers act as school
doctors, with the exception of Reykja-
vik and Hafnarfjörður, where there
are special school doctors, all
whom are working part-time. Table X
shows the diseases and ailments dis-
covered at the periodical medical
12. Maternity (cf. tables XII—XIV).
The total number of births in 1958
was 4687, 4625 born alive and 62 still-
born (13.2 per 1000 of the total num-
Deaths in connection with child-
birth during the preceding years have
been as follows:
of Pregnancy,
Childbirth 4954 1955 1956 1957 1958
and Puerperium 5 15 2 2
Purperal Sepsis „ „ 1 „ »
Total Number
of Deaths 5 16 2 2
The maternity death rate 1958 was
0.43 per 1000 cliildren born. The di-
stribution of maternal deatlis is
shown on p. 65.