Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.06.2012, Blaðsíða 127
Viðhorf tveggja leikskólakennara og aðferðir við valdeflingu leikskólabarna
lation of children; (b) an integrated view,
where the teacher analyzes and assesses
his or her own professional strengths and
weaknesses, and understands the connec-
tion between his or her own successes or
lack thereof as well as the children’s; (c)
and a situationally integrated attitude,
meaning that the teacher not only links
his or her attitudes and pedagogical prac-
tices to the situation within the children’s
group but also to the present as well as
likely future circumstances in the external
environment. It even refers to situations in
the present and future, with the children’s
best opportunities in mind (Sigrún Aðal-
bjarnardóttir, 2007).
Based on the analytical model of Aðal-
bjarnardóttir and Selman, one of the pre-
school teachers classified both attitudes
and teaching methods according to the
third category. This preschool teacher em-
phasized wellness and empowerment of
children and how their work contributed
to the empowerment of their mutual abili-
ties. The teaching methods of the other
preschool teacher were classified in the
second category and attitudes in the first
category. This preschool teacher focused
on wellness and empowerment of chil-
The theoretical value of this study is
mostly evidenced by how the above ideas
fit well into interpretation of the analyti-
cal model of Sigrún Aðalbjarnardóttir and
Robert L. Selman on teachers’ pedagogy
and views on education.
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