Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1963, Blaðsíða 112
compounds called ‘determinatives’ (Skt. tatpurusha), and to the
sub-class of this group called karrnadháraya, in which one of the
members of the compound is an attribute of the other (‘a man who
is like a devil in some ways’).4
The class of karmadhárayas in I-E is a very large one, some exam-
ples of which are Skt. brahmarshi- ‘a sage who is also a brahman’,
mánusharákshasa- ‘man-demon, a demon in man’s form’; Avestan
váxshœsha- ‘wish for praise’; OCS vodonosu ‘water pitcher’; Irish
banchu ‘female-dog, bitch’; German Vaterland ‘patria’.
We can narrow our Typus yet further by noting that in mann-
skralti the final member is an attribute of the primary member. But
there are still a large number of this sub-class of karmadháraya in
I-E; e. g. Skt. rájasimha- ‘king-lion, a king who is like a lion, i. e. an
excellent king’, Greek iatrómantis ‘doctor-sage, a doctor who is also
(incidentally) a sage’, Irish rígfáith ‘king-prophet, a king who is
also a prophet’, German Königin-Witwe ‘a queen who is also a wi-
dow’. Furthermore, determination of the primary member by the
final member is not at all extraordinary in the I-E languages in
general (E. Schwyzer, for example remarks “gewöhnlich ergibt sich
bei der iiblichen Auflösung der Komposita das erste als bestimmend
und vom zweiten syntaktisch abhángig . . .; es kann aber auch das
umgekehrte Verháltnis bestehen . . .”5 in reference to Greek), and
it is interesting to note that many Germanic compounds occur both
in “normal” and “reversed” order; e. g. OE œleputa ‘burbot’ but
OFris. pútaal; OE dopfugel ‘water fowl’ and fugeldoppe; OHG
walaéht ‘possessions’ but OE œhtwela; ON hrosshvalr ‘walrus’, OE
4 See W. D. Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar (2nd ed.; Cambridge, Mass., 1889),
489—501, §1262—1291; A. Thumb-R. Hauschild, Handbuch des Sanskrit 1:2
(3rd ed.; Heidelberg 1959), 400—410; F. Miklosich, Vergleichende Gramma-
tik der slavischen Sprachen II (Wien 1875), 379—385; H. Jensen, Altarmen-
ische Grammatik (Heidelberg 1959), 32; E. Schwyzer, Griechische Grammatik
I (Miinchen 1939), 428—431; C. T. Carr, Nominal Compounds in Germanic
(St. Andrews University Publications No. XLI, 1939), p. xxv.
5 Schwyzer, 429.
® See Carr, 319—339, especially 338—339.