Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1963, Blaðsíða 129
1812, were in their correct place in the original of this copy. On p.
50 the scribe then added the celebrated passage from the Book of
the Icelanders.14
That pp. 48—50 were written, not before the scribe wrote p. 51
and the following pages, but after he had written most of, or possibly
all, the text, is shown hy the fact, mentioned above, that the ink used
on pp. 48—50 is not the same as on pp. 51 ff., hut has the same
brownish color as on the last 5 or 6 pages of the ms.15 That this is
so, is further shown by the fact that, e. g., p. 66, as regards the four
paleographic criteria, bears still greater resemblance to pp. 48—50
than do pp. 61—62: P. 66 has only type I forms of g, þ and y, and
the distribution of the two d’s is of type I, i. e. straight d is used, not
only after /, hut also, e. g., initially and after n.
In conclusion, therefore, it may said that the differences in fea-
tures of paleography observable between pp. 50 and 51 do not indi-
cate two distinct sections, probably written by two different hands.
On the contrary, the scribe, one and the same throughout the whole
of the codex, has gradually changed from one pattern, on p. 51, to
another, on, e. g., p. 66 and pp. 48—50. The question of the reasons
for this change of paltern is an entirely different one; probably,
more than one interpretation is possible. It is conceivable that the
scribe copied from two different originals,16 but it is more likely
that the observable differences in writing are the result of a more
slavish imitation, on the part of the scribe, of his original at the be-
ginning, with subsequent gradual transition to his usual pattern,
14 For an explanation of the reasons for this rearrangement, see Larsson,
Aldsta delen af Cod. 1812, pp. xxiii-xxvi, and N. Beckman and Kr. K&lund, Al-
frœði íslenzk. II. Rímtgl (Samfund, vol. XLI; Copenhagen 1914—16), pp.
lxxxi f.
1B On most of p. 63, where pp. 48—50 belong, the ink is brown, but in the
first lines of col. a, as well as in the last lines of col. b, it is darker and more
similar to that of the preceding pages.
16 As, apparently, suggested by Spehr, Der ursprung, p. 125.
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l'V) cTkebACr ÍCAlTtlV)Ut^V
ar ír^rmffW’íf.Tal. AT.U. (
rmfletv ^.ar^crvoc
írtmar Scal fumar Voma
-- _________CrsfV,
of Vmfai faiioinl
Y Nftmco'^r.vevJ^.W Wí m.
ocev'bonWttkag.)t>^*3r ^
fna bacr vtVo munko v\ko.
dn* baff vflia
oc íOkr rn*ffo*augarv\\u>
n mnffk talcuo Hár
áreg'w rtTp\Ucmí-enyA .v.cr
evjvtu AConctwTíf
.n .xil mújfumarT.öc er
fure-5umarrm eg- kða.
Hvj.vi.nl(ánhw fcalfite 7Í
* .víkavcfi w lapt*
-mbd^ Cf bauit tcai mi ^ V, of valr xrnib
feínC Hag>fel ÍötíííL
v.n.nfcgaf.^thetvC ajp-acbaop.nilvenvto.