Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.06.2012, Síða 106

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.06.2012, Síða 106
106 ingar verði á högum þeirra þegar þau fara úr leikskóla í grunnskóla og þau eru m.a. undirbúin undir þessar breytingar í leik- skólanum. Niðurstöðurnar benda til þess að verkefni sem miða að því að undirbúa börn fyrir grunnskólann séu reglubundinn þáttur í leikskólum barnanna. Samkvæmt niðurstöðum rannsóknarinnar má álykta að skilgreining barnanna á því hvað er nám og hvað er mikilvægt að læra tengist að stórum hluta námsgreinum grunnskól- ans. Áhersla leikskólans á leik og samskipti og námssvið leikskólans, læsi og sam- skipti, heilbrigði og vellíðan, sjálfbærni og vísindi, sköpun og menning, virtust ekki njóta sömu virðingar hjá börnunum. Velta má fyrir sér þætti leikskólans í að skapa þetta viðhorf og hvort skólahópar og elstu barna verkefni, sem miða að því að undir- búa börnin undir grunnskólann með því að leggja áherslu á verkefnavinnu við borð, ali e.t.v. á stöðluðum hugmyndum um grunnskólann. The aim of this article was to shed light on the perspectives of preschool children as to the changes they anticipated would take place when they started primary school, and on the preparation for primary school that took place in preschool. The study was part of a larger study on the views of chil- dren on their daily lives in preschool. The theoretical foundations of the study were the ideology of childhood studies in which childhood is viewed as an important pe- riod, contingent on culture, time, and context. Childhood studies derive from the Convention on the Rights of the Child which elaborates on the rights of children to participate in decision making that af- fects their own lives and to communicate their views. Researchers are now attempt- ing to learn about children’s knowledge and perspectives from children themselves by using a variety of methods suited to dif- ferent children. Further, transition studies were also taken into consideration and the fact that children’s level of success, both socially and academically, during the tran- sition to primary school can be a critical factor in determining their future progress and development. In recent years research on transitions from the children’s perspec- tives has grown. The participants were 32 children in the oldest preschool group in two preschools in Reykjavik, Iceland. Informed consent was obtained from the preschool authori- ties, preschool teachers, parents, and the children. Data was gathered through in- Abstract „Then the teacher starts to make you learn“. Pre-school children talk about their expectations and preparations for Primary School. Jóhanna Einarsdóttir
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