Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.06.2012, Síða 148
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skólastarfs við Háskóla Íslands: Hvað
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Valuing learner diversity: difference is
considered a resource and an asset to edu-
Supporting all learners: teachers have
high expectations for all learners’ achieve-
Working with others: collaboration and
teamwork are essential approaches for all
Personal professional development:
teaching is a learning activity and teachers
take responsibility for their lifelong learn-
Icelandic law on comprehensive school-
ing and the national curriculum is built on
theories of inclusion that ensure all pupils
have equivalent opportunities during their
comprehensive education. Therefore it is
important that student teachers gain the
necessary competence to work in inclusive
settings during their ITE.
The main findings from this study in-
dicate that there was no course on inclu-
sive education required for ITE. Some core
courses introduced the policy of inclusive
education, theoretical background and
examples of inclusive practices. Inclusive
education was the main focus at one se-
lective course. Many courses focused on
preparing student teachers to work with
diverse group of students, although inclu-
sion was not part of the focus. Introducing
a variety of teaching methods, assessment
and creative learning environments might
better support student teachers to become
confident in inclusive school settings.