Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.06.2012, Qupperneq 174
Guðrún Björg Ragnarsdóttir og Anna-Lind Pétursdóttir
from d = 1.9 to 2.6 which are considered
large effects based on Cohen´s (1988)
widely accepted guidelines.
Findings indicate that chronic behavior
problems of students can be reduced in
general education settings through func-
tion-based BIPs and active collaboration of
students and teachers. The findings are in
agreement with previous research show-
ing positive effects of function-based inter-
ventions on students´ problem behaviour.
Moreover, the findings extend the current
literature base to show positive effects of
increasingly demanding versions of BIPs
and that students with chronic behaviour
problems continue to show low levels of
disruptive behaviour when token systems
have been systematically faded. Anecdotal
reports of teachers and participants sug-
gest further positive effects of the BIPs.
The limitations of this study include the
small number of participants and lack of
progress of one participant. Thus, direct
and systematic replication of this study
is needed to establish greater generaliz-
ability of the findings. Also, further inves-
tigations are needed to explore long-term
robustness of the observed improvements
in behaviour over time. Although the cur-
rent findings are preliminary in nature,
they offer a demonstration of the positive
effects of BIPs within regular education
classrooms on students’ chronic behavior
Keywords: Functional behavioral assess-
ment, behaviour intervention plan, behav-
iour problems, positive behavior support,
token system
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