Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1934, Síða 147

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1934, Síða 147
Public Health in Iceland 1934. — A Summary. 1. In 1934 the climatic conditions were unstable and unfavourable. The atmospheric pressure in the whole country was 1,7 mm. below the average. The mean temperature of the air was 1,5° above the average. The rainfall was 32% above the average. Nature conditions were not so favourable to the industries of the country as in the preceding years. Owing to this and to the economic depression there was no decrease in the number of unemployed. Unemployment has been rather extensive during the last years, but the low economic status of the people seems nowhere to have affec- ted the general health conditions. 2. Population, births and deaths. The population was on December 31st 1934: 114743 including Reykjavík 32974 (1933: 113366 and 31689). The marriage rate was 6,4 (6,2), the birth nde 22,8 (22,0) and the death rate 10,4 (10,3) per 1000 inhabitants. Infant mortality was 52,4 (43,1) per 1000 born alive. The death rate was slightly higher than in the preceding year, when it was at the minimum ever reached (10,3%c). Infant mortality on the other hand was considerably above the minimum, which was reached in 1929 (43,0%o). 3. Causes of death are shown on pages 8—11. The ten following are the most common: Number °/oo of deaths 9/oo of tlie population Old Age 170 143,9 1,5 Tuberculosis (all forms) 139,7 1,4 Cancer — Malignant Growths . 148 125,3 1,3 Pneumonia (lobar and lobular) 137 116,0 1,2 Diseases of the Heart 90 81,3 0,8 Apoplexj' 83 70,3 0,7 Accidents (all forms) 46,6 0,5 Premature Birth and Debility of Newborn 40 39,0 0,4 Searlet Fever 22 18,6 0,2 Septic Fever 19 16,1 0.2 Other and Unknoxvn C-auses .. 240 203,2 2,2 i. Epidemic diseases. The i incidence of epidemic diseases is shown in tables JI, III and IV, 1—25. 191
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