Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1934, Side 148

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1934, Side 148
146 The following table shows the incidence of epidemic diseases in 1925—1934 as also the aggregate number of deaths from each disease during the same po: 'iod. 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 Deatlis Acute Tonsillitis . Acutc Hcspiratory 1928 2119 1640 2456 5249 5415 5151 4330 3909 4090 ” Catarrh 4921 4799 5274 6342 6720 10255 8549 9568 9112 9716 34 Diphtheria Dysentery (Para- 56 71 26 17 6 9 14 10 3 1 16 dysentery) 2 15 15 323 65 26 153 780 167 10 8 Puerperal Sepsis . 7 13 10 13 18 14 15 9 9 3 28 Acute Rheumatism 120 146 133 88 214 257 167 167 128 147 7 Enteric Fever .... Acute Intestinal 83 175 27 49 28 23 48 65 11 19 39 Catarrh 1047 1303 2158 2370 2515 2037 3138 2523 3200 1585 29 Influenza 941 3114 1993 5090 7110 1168 7362 1282 6578 670 123 Measles 1643 685 1 2293 3026 31 132 38 Mumps 1 „ 1 »» 998 1858 325 4 3 2 » Bronchopneumonia 804 925 1262 875 795 851 788 583 461 530/ 1182 Lobar Pneumonia. 278 185 218 183 241 274 392 303 199 226 I German Measles .. 132 449 52 18 29 102 368 24 9 3 » Scarlet Fever .... 7 10 5 14 10 204 336 624 426 900 54 Whooping Cough . Encephalitis 4 91 6645 258 3 10 277 »> ” ” 162 lethargica 16 » 17 3 7 8 14 14 13 7 10 Erysipelas 96 102 93 112 43 34 31 43 37 65 9 Erythema nodosum Epidemic Catarrhal 27 25 28 31 37 25 M Jaundice 30 11 33 9 240 478 89 199 62 21 »» Contagious Impetigo 77 159 98 137 93 69 61 72 102 70 „ Epidemic Pleurisy 565 144 21 17 46 85 91 10 28 » Acute Poliomyelitis 26 2 12 4 8 9 11 81 3 7 30 Epidemic Stomatitis 21 71 66 112 181 218 »» Chickenpox 153 156 143 198 157 101 184 201 351 315 S» Severe epidemics were of exceptionally little consequence during the year. The epidemic of Sccirlet Fever, which began in 1930, con- tinued its course, being this year most prominent in the capital and its vicinity. The incidence of Pneumonia was rather higher than usual in some districts. Diphtheria has been dormant for years, only a few sporadic cases occurred. This year 1 case was notified, which occur- red towards the close of the year. This case and a few additional cases, seemingly very malignant ones, which occurred in the capital in the beginning of the new year, gave rise to the fear, that a severe epidemic of diphtheria was approaching. The Health Authorities caused a general immunization of school-children in Reykjavík to talce place in the first half of the year 1935. In addition a great many children under school age were immunized on the initiation of their parents. The University Laboratory undertook the immunization. The Labora- tory assistant, Dr. Julíus Sigurjónsson, who conducted the immuni- zation, has written a report on his work, which appears as Part III of this book. The following is a summary of his report:
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