Læknaneminn - 01.04.1994, Page 157

Læknaneminn - 01.04.1994, Page 157
Samanburðarhópurmeð sambærilegarheilaskemmdir en án geðslagsbreytinga hafði marktækt meiri rýrnun áheilavefundirheilaberki ("subcortical atrophy") en PSM-hópurinn (36). Ættarsaga Ættarsaga um þunglyndi eða örlyndi var marktækt oftar til staðar hjá 9 PSM-sjúklingum (4/9) en hjá 31 PSD-sjúklingi (3/31) (39). Tilgáta Robinsons (39) er sú að e.t.v. sé örlyndi eftir heilablóðfall svo sjaldgæft sem raun ber vitni sakir þess að það krefjist útleysandi þátta annarra en heilaskaða svo sem heilarýrnunar, ættarsögu um geðhvörf eða lækkaðs krampaþröskuldar í miðtaugakerfi til að koma fram. Meingerð Meingerð örlyndis eftir heilablóðfall er óþekkt. Ymsartilgáturhafa þó verið settar fram. Shukla et al. (37)hafat.a.m. taliðað umflogafyrirbæri væri að ræða í limbískumsvæðunrbeggjaheilahvela. Robinson og Starkstein (40) hafa talið að um tiltekið meingerðarferli sé að ræða og gegni breytt virkni brauta milli framheilabarkar og limbíska kerfísins, einkum hægra megin, þar lykilhlutverki. Meöferð Ekki hafa verið gerðar neinar samanburðar- rannsóknir á meðferð PSM-sjúklinga með örlyndis- lyQumeða lyfleysu. Þau tilfelli semmenn hafafjallað um í greinum hafa svarað vel hefðbundinni örlyndis- meðferð (litíum, sefandi lyfjum s.s. haloperidol og krampastillandi lyfjum s.s. karbamazepíni og valpróati) (39). 0 HEIMILDIR 1. Coakley D. Stroke and other neurological emergencies in old age. Acute geriatric medicine 1980, bls. 59-80. London: Croom Helm Ltd. 2. Wade DT, Hewer LJ, Skilbeck CE, David RM. Stroke: a critical approach to diagnosis, treatment and management. London 1985 : Chapman and Hall. 3. Starkstein SE og Robinson RG. Affective disorders and cerebral vascular disease. British Joumal of Psychiatry 1989; 154: 170-182. 4. Folstein F, Marlbergar R, McHugh R. Mood disorder as a specific complication of stroke. Joumal of Neurology and Neurosurgery 1977; 40: 1018-1020. 5. Kraepelin E. Manic depressive insanity and paranoia. Edinburgh 1921: E. and S. Livingstone. 6. Bleuler EP. Textbook of Psychiatry. New York 1951: Dover Publications. 7. Meyer A. The anatomical facts and clinical varieties of traumatic insanity. American Journal of Insanity 1904; 60: 373. 8. Babinski J. Réflexes de défance. Brain 1922;45: 149- 84. 9. Ross ED, Gordon WA, Hibbard M et al. The dexamethasone suppression test, poststroke depression and the validity of DSM-lII-based diagnostic criteria. American Joumal of Psychiatry 1986; 143: 1200-1201. 10. Kertesz A, Black SE, Nicholson L et al. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in stroke. Neurology 1987; 37: 1580-1585. 11. Lipsey JR, Spencer WC, Rabins PV, et al . Phenomenological comparison of post-stroke depression and fimctional depression. American Journal ofPsychiatry 1986; 142: 318-323. 12. Morris PLP, Robinson RG, Andrzejewski P, et al. Association of depression with 10-year poststroke mortality. American Joumal of Psychiatry 1993; 150, 1: 124-129. 13. Starkstein SE, Robinson RG, Berthier ML, et al. Depressive disorders following posterior circulation compared with middle cerebral artery infarcts. Brain 1988; 111: 375-387. 14. Dam H. Depression in patients with stroke. Focus on depression, marshefti 1993. 15. Parikh RM, Robinson RG, Lipsey JR, et al. (1990). The impact of poststroke depression on recovery in activities of daily living over a 2-year follow-up. Archives of Neurology, 47, 785-789. 16. Starkstein SE, Robinson RG og Price TR. Comparison of patients with and without post-stroke major depression matched for size and location of lesion. Archives of General Psychiatry 1988; 45: 247-52. 17. Robinson RG, Bolla-Wilson K, Kaplan E, et al. Depression influences intellectual impairment in stroke patients. British Joumal of Psychiatry 1986; 148: 541-547. 18. Starkstein SE og Robinson RG. Aphasia and depression. Aphasiology 1988; 2: 1-20. 19. Robinson RG, Starr LB, Kubos KL, et al. A two year longitudinal study of post-stroke mood disorder: ftndings during the initial evaluation. Stroke 1983; 14: 736-741. 20. Robinson RG, Starr LB, Lipsey JR et al. A two-year longitudinal study of post-stroke mood disorders: dynamic changes over the first six months of follow- up. Stroke 1984; 15: 510-517. 21. Robinson RG, Starr LB, Lipsey JR et al. A two-year longitudinal study of post-stroke mood disorders: in- LÆKNANEMINN I 1994 47. árg. 143
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