Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1963, Síða 127
A NOTE ON GKS 1812 4'
the g. (See the facsimile). On this page, which is written with the
black ink of section II, we find both types of g, 17 ex. of g II and 36
of g I. The frequency is different in the two columns, and the two
types are used alternately, not successively. In col. a we first find
8 ex. of g II (e. g. in dagr a:l), then 1 of g I (in eigi a:15), 1 of II,
5 of I, 1 of II, 4 of I, 2 of II, and, finally, 4 of I, i. e. altogether 12
ex. of g II against 14 of g I. In col. b we first find 3 ex. of g I,12 then
2 of g II, 6 of I, 1 of II, 8 of I, 1 of II, and 6 of I, or, altogether, only
5 ex. of g II against 22 of g I. There is, accordingly, on this page,
a sharp increase in the frequency of g I, and as regards the use of
this type, this page thus occupies an intermediate position between
the three pages examined by Blaisdell (pp. 51—53) and pp. 61—
As regards the other three criteria, this page bears great resem-
blance to section I (pp. 48—50), even more so than do pp. 61—62.
Thus, in none of its 44 occurrences, þ has a clear type II form, and
there are hardly any questionable examples. Similarly, in all of its
11 occurrences, y is of the later type as in section I. The distribution
of the two forms of d is also similar to that of section I; straight d
occurs not only after l (e. g. halda a:26), but also frequently (11
times) initially (e. g. dageN a:4).
It is well-known that the scribe of 1812 made some alterations in
the arrangement of his text. On pp. 48—50 he wrote five chapters
which, as shown by the complete agreement on this point of all the
other independent copies of this text, belong in p. 63 :b, between 11.
15 and 16, and which, as shown by the table of contents on p. 51 of
12 In þing b :2 the g, being a correction from n, is not quite distinct. But there
seems little doubt that it is of type I.
13 Incidentally, on pp. 52—53 there is not the complete consistency in the use
of g II postulated by Blaisdell, who found “only one questionable example of
type I on page 52” (“Some Notes,” p. 302). This one example probably is lengþ
52:b:4, where, however, the g is clearly of type I, even if its tail is irregular.
In addition to this example, we find g I in tnnglet 52:b:29 and in tungl 53:a:5.