Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series A - 01.10.2003, Blaðsíða 81
Linguistic and textual features
verbs ‘ek fær’ 25.55, 26.10, ek fær 40.47 (ct ‘fæ ek’ 36.53), ‘hef/?' ek’
The first person singular subjunctive, though usually with (a) ‘at ek
hliota’ 24.77, sometimes has the later <i) form ‘at ek komi’ 24.78-9, ‘at ek
hafi’ 40.38-9.
The first person singular past of weak verbs can end in <i> ‘uilldi ek’
24.69; ct, however, ‘munda ek’ 38.43.
The first person plural subjunctive (present and past) has <im) ‘kostim
uer' 20.3, ‘at uer hlaupim’ 32.97; ‘at uið legdim ... ok tækim’ 24.70, ‘at uer
skilim’ 36.37.
The past singular of stíga has analogical ‘steig’ 35.53 alongside standard
‘ste’ in the same line. The past singular of vaxa has acquired analogical v
before ó ‘uox’ 27.76, 48.55, 60.
The perfect participle of sjá occurring at 36.7 is ‘séen’ (nom. fem. sing.);
elsewhere, however, the spelling is with one <e).
‘uiðrði’ 40.55 shows original past form of viðra, a verb derived from
noun veðr (see textual note).
Medio-passive As is usual in fourteenth-century MSS the commonest
expression of the medio-passive (middle voice) in W is <z>. Out of some
370 occurrences, 350 end in <z>, which includes 8 appearances of the first
person (4 singular, 4 plural). Usually the <z> follows directly on the active
form, whether after a vowel e g ‘settiz’ 19.21, ‘bioz’ 34.57, ‘braz’ 45.63, or
a consonant e g ‘tokz’ 26.97, ‘finnumz’ 31.82. With stems ending in -t or
-ð, the dental may be expressed, e g ‘leitz’ 34.26, ‘syntz’ (supine) 42.93, or
“latent”, e g Tez’ 28.36 - 33.13 (x 5) (ct Tetz’ 26.83), ‘kuez’ 20.9 - 47.38
(x 18). Twice, the exponent is <tz> after a (long) vowel ‘slotz’ 26.3 and
‘satz’ 27.37 (from slásk and sjásk, both third person sing.). (The scribe of
Mi uses the spelling ‘slotz’ at the same locus, see p. 85*.)
Sometimes the medio-passive exponent is <zt>, as ‘gorzt’ 20.10 (latent t),
‘sætzt’ 25.96, 32.144, 44.63, Tezt’ 31.62 (latent t), ‘tokzt’ (third pers.
sing.) 36.28, ‘hiællzt’ 39.27 (latent t), ‘sáázt’ (third person sing.) 42.47,
‘setzt’ 42.71, ‘sezt’ 44.5 (both supine of setjask, latent t), ‘kuezt’ 44.26,
47.29, ‘hellzt’ 45.21, ‘elldizt’ 48.45 (all). Occasionally the exponent is <ðz>
‘bargðz’ (third person sing.) 38.97, ‘lagðz’ (supine) 41.124, ‘dragðz’ 45.48
(imperative), and once, following a long vowel, <tzt) ‘satzt’ 42.92 (third
person sing.) “was seen”. There are a few cases of the medio-passive end-
ing in <st>: ‘spyrst’ 24.74, ‘kuest’ 25.7838, ‘sáást’ 41.138, ‘forst’ 41.142,
‘barst’ 42.52 (all).
8 On the loss of the dental in the verb kveðask, see Kjartan G. Ottósson 1992, p. 41.