Hugur - 01.01.2015, Side 122

Hugur - 01.01.2015, Side 122
122 Atli Harðarson Abstract Rational Self-Control For ordinary humans self-control often fails: Sometimes people quarrel when they intend to have good time together; students sleep in although they want to get up early and read for an exam; in spite of intentions to the contrary smokers fail to quit smoking; good people want to forgive but can’t get rid of angry thoughts. We have all sorts of plans that do not succeed because our minds are restive and ungovernable. In my paper I analyse the concept of rational self-control and argue that an agent, A, has rational self-control if and only if all the following four conditions hold: i. A’s belief about what is the best course of action is determined by available knowledge, i.e. by what A has strong overall reason to do. ii. If A has made a decision or formed an intention or resolution it is determined by A’s belief about what is the best course of action iii. If A’s action is determined by a desire, that desire is determined by what A intends, decides or resolves, provided A has made a decision or formed an intention or resolution, else by A’s belief about what is the best course of action. iv. A’s action is determined by what A believes is the best course of action or by what A intends, resolves or decides to do or by what A desires. Drawing upon recent work by Richard Holton, Alfred Mele and Walter Sinnott- Armstrong, I argue that corresponding to these four conditions there are four different ways in which rational self-control can fail. My analysis has bearing on fundamental ethical questions about moral virtues and responsibility. It is also relevant to recent psychological work on the interplay of trait self-control, as defined by Walter Mischel, and what Roy F. Baumeister et al. describe as ego-depletion. A conceptual distinction between different types of self-control failures is needed to account for empirical results to the effect that those who score high on tests of trait self-control sometimes do not exhibit the type of willpower defined by the ego-depletion model. Furthermore, I also point out that my analysis can be used to clarify and categorize different the- ories of addiction and substance dependence, where some authorities, e.g. George Ainslie, locate the addict’s failure at ii others, e.g. Timothy Schroeder, focus on iv. Arguably, the distinctions I draw are needed as a preliminary to combining the important insights provided by these two approaches. Hugur 2015-5.indd 122 5/10/2016 6:45:29 AM
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