Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1963, Blaðsíða 192
inn, og lá nefndur E. óvígur eftir. Telur hann, að viðureignin hafi einkunt
verið við Á. E-son, . . ., og einnig Þ. S. G-son, báða til heimilis í Kópavogi.
Kveðst E. einkum hafa hlotið áverka á höfði og hné.
Lögregla var kvödd á vettvang, og flutti hún E. meðvitundarlausan í
Slysavarðstofu Reykjavíkur. Þá voru þeir Á. og Þ. S. famir af vettvangi.
1 réttinum liggja fyrir þessi læknisvottorð:
1. Bréf frá dr. Ian M. Seex, háls-, nef- og eymalækni, Royal Northern
Infirmary, Invemess, Skotlandi, til . . ., sérfræðings í háls-, nef- og eyrna-
lækningmn, dags. 2. febrúar 1959, svo hljóðandi:
“This patient was admitted to the Roval Northem Infirmary on 13.1.59.
For many years he has suffered from right supra-orbital headaches exten-
ding backwards towards the vertes. These headaches last for days at a time
but he has had periods of complete remission lasting for several months
on occasion. He has no premonition of an impending headache hut the
headaches are accompanied by diminished visual acuity. On occasion the
headaches are accompanied by nauses and vomiting hut this is not a promi-
nent feature. He feels that everwork and late nights predispose to the
development of a headache and so far nothing much in the way of medica-
tion has given him permanent relief. He has had two nasal operations
carried out by you. On each occasion he obtained some temporary relief
following operation but for the last few months has had more or less persi-
stent severe headache.
On examination his extemal nose is displaced as a whole to the left. There
is flattening of the lateral nasal hone on the right side and it is impacted
under the left lateral nasal bone. He has had a submucous resection of his
nasal septum very well carried out and also a right radical antrostomy, the
intra-nasal opening of which is still patent and in the correct position. The
naso-frontal duct on the right side is extremely narrow and his nasal mucosa
is moderately allergic. An x-ray of his nasal sinuses showed the usual post-
operative clouding of the right antrum. There was also some clouding of
the left antrum and ethmoids. The frontals and sphenoids are clear. He is
edentulous above, his remaining teeth are poor and there is some periodontal
infection. His tonsils are inoffensive and there is no abnormality in the post
nasal space. His ear dmms are normal.
I felt that these headaches might be migrainous in origin or due to vacuum
frontal sinusitis or a combination of both so on the following day, i.e. 15.1.59,
I examined his nose under general anaesthesia. Details of the procedure are
as follows: —
14.1.59. Premedicated with % Morphine and 150 Hyoscine 1 hour before
operation. Local anaesthesia of the nose was effected as follows: 2 ccs. of
10% Cocaine & Adrenaline of equal parts, were instilled into each nasal
cavity with the head in a despondent position. This was left in situ for
three minutes and after, the nasal cavities were packed with % ribbon
gauze impregnated with 10% Cocaine & Adrenaline of equal parts. These